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Then, pointing to the door of the inner room, she drew back for her visitor to pass, and said, "Come in, batuchka." The small room into which the young man was ushered was papered with yellow; there were geraniums and muslin curtains in the windows, and the setting sun shed a flood of light on the interior.

"See here, batuchka: if I take a ten- kopeck piece a month on each ruble, I ought to receive fifteen kopecks on a ruble and a half, the interest being payable in advance. Then, as you ask me to wait another month for the repayment of the two rubles I have already lent you, you owe me twenty kopecks more, which makes a total of five and thirty.

"Good evening, batuchka," said Paul, and looking at the other's wet clothes he added, "I see you were caught in the storm." "You are right, batuchka," said the other, and leaning over, his voice slightly shaking, he added, "Others, too, are about to be caught in a storm."

Everyone else has a subject for conversation ladies, for instance, people in society, the upper ten all these sets have some topic or other. It is the thing, but somehow people of the middle-class, like you and I, seem constrained and taciturn. How does that come about, batuchka? Have we no social interests? Or is it, rather, owing to our being too straightforward to mislead one another?

The day before yesterday I played you at billiards, at Gambrinus's, and won three games right off." "Ah!" "So they're not at home? That's strange. I might almost say it's ridiculous. Where can the old woman have gone? I want to speak with her." "And I too, batuchka, I want to speak with her." "Well, what's to be done? I suppose we must go back to whence we came.

Supposing you were to drink some water, dear friend? You have had a slight fit!" He was on the point of going to the door to give his orders to a servant, when he saw a water bottle in a corner. "Drink, batuchka!" he murmured, whilst approaching the young man with the bottle, "that may do you some good."

Then, pointing to the door of the inner room, she drew back for her visitor to pass, and said, "Come in, batuchka."* * "Little father." The small room into which the young man was ushered was papered with yellow; there were geraniums and muslin curtains in the windows, and the setting sun shed a flood of light on the interior.

I called on you a month ago," said the visitor, hurriedly, with a slight bow. He had suddenly remembered that he must make himself more agreeable. "I remember, batuchka, I remember it well," returned the old woman, still fixing her eyes on him suspiciously. "Well, then, look here.

"Pray, be seated, batuchka! But, perhaps, you don't like being called respectable? Therefore, batuchka, for short! Pray, don't think me familiar. Sit down here on the sofa." Raskolnikoff did so without taking his eyes off the judge. "These words 'in our latitudes, these excuses for his familiarity, this expression 'for short, what could be the meaning of all this?

He raised his finger with a touch of grandeur and took the chair by Paul's side, breathing hard and obviously holding himself at a tension. "Your friends aren't with you tonight?" Again the Russian spoke in parables. "Some men run from great events. Others stop to witness them." "Something in the wind," thought Paul. "I think he'll talk." Aloud he said, pretending to yawn, "Great events, batuchka?

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