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Should this disease really fasten itself upon him, his condition would be very critical indeed. That Mr. Barslow, the hero of the occasion, was uninjured.

Foh, as we ah so much behind the surroundin' country in growth, we must soon take a great leap fo'wahd. We ah past the boom stage, I thank God, and what we ah now goin' to get is a rathah brisk but entiahly healthy growth. A good, healthy growth, Barslow, and no boom!"

He turned full upon us from his desk as we entered, rose and met us as his clerk introduced us. "Mr. Barslow, I'm happy to meet you; and you also, Mr. Cornish. Mr. Wilson 'phoned about your enterprise just now. Mr. Elkins," as he took Jim's hand, "I have heard of you also. Be seated, gentlemen. I have given you a time appropriation of thirty minutes.

Barslow, and my regahd fo' my own honah, pledged as it is to those to whom I have sold these properties on the representations I have made as to the prospects of the city, will not puhmit me to admit!" This seemed to him entirely conclusive, and cut off the investigation.

"They gratify your sense of the beautiful," suggested I. "You know, Mr. Barslow," said she, "that it's not our own sense of the beautiful, mainly, that we seek to gratify; and if the eyes for which they are intended are looking into ledgers and blind to everything except dollar-signs, what's the use?" "Go down to the seashore," said I, "where the people congregate who have nothing to do."

Macdonald, whom he had seen passing, brought him to bay in front of the post-office, and dragged him away to some doom, the nature of which I could only surmise. This took place on the morning of my first day with Elkins & Barslow. I was to take up the office work. "That will be easy for you from the first," said Jim.

Now we were in the big Grain Belt Trust Company's building, the ground-floor of which was shared between the Trust Company and the general offices of the Lattimore and Great Western. In one corner, and next to the private room of President Elkins, was the office of Barslow & Elkins, where I commanded. Into which entered Mrs. Trescott and her daughter one day, soon after Mr.

"Lattimore has at last attracted the notice of adequate capital, and will now assume huh true place in the bright galaxy of American cities. Mr. Barslow, I shall ask puhmission to call upon you in the mo'nin' with reference to a project which will make the fo'tunes of a dozen men, and that within the next ninety days. Good evenin', suh; good evenin', Madam.

"I'll read it in a minute," said Jim, "but first let me say that this grows out of a talk between Mr. Cornish and myself. Hinckley and Barslow know that there have been differences between us here for some time." "Quite natural," said Harper; "according to all the experience-tables, you ought to have had a fight somewhere in the crowd long before this." "Mr. Cornish," went on Mr.

Antonia and Josie have both been very kind lately and say, Barslow, I see now how little foundation there is for that old gag about the women hating each other!" "I've always felt," said I, anxious to draw him out so that I might see what the conspirators had been doing, "that there's nothing in that idea. But what has changed your view?"