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Peter obeyed the ominous sound and closed his Teller's window with a gentle bang. Patrick took notice and swung to the iron grating of the outer door.

He brought the canteen down with a bang, and shoved one of the cups across to David. "Of course, she belongs to you," said David, encouragingly, "but confound you I can't believe it, you old dog! I can't believe it!" He leaned over and gave Brokaw a jocular slap, forcing a laugh out of himself. "She's too pretty for you. Prettiest kid I ever saw! How did it happen? Eh? You lucky dog!"

Why" he interrupted himself "didn't you get my telephones? Why, somebody took the message twice. Cost three dollars had to pawn stuff to pay it. Then I trailed you. The rector had your address. We're going to Scotland bang off and I had to see you. We're sailing from Boston. To-morrow." "Who's 'we'?" demanded McBirney. "My family and oh gosh, you don't know!"

Bang, bang! went both barrels of my gun, and the next moment I was down, spread-eagle fashion, on my face, conscious of the fact that what was probably the puma's mate had bounded right upon me as I stooped forward to fire, and as I heard Pete utter a yell of horror, the beast's muzzle was pressed down on the back of my neck, and its hot breath stirred the roots of my hair.

"I hope for her sake she's quiet and sensible, and don't drop knives nor bang doors," she sighed to Timothy, who had sauntered up to her. "Well, if she ain't, nobody knows what'll become of the rest of us," grinned Timothy. "Imagine Miss Polly and a NOISY kid! Gorry! there goes the whistle now!"

Herm, it's getting on to three in the morning." "This little girl keeps thinking I'm kidding, Blondey. I always knew if I ever fell for matrimony it would be just like this. Right off the reel. No funny business. Just bing! Bang! Done!" "Catch me while I swoon but he sounds on the level, Cleone." "Well, what if he is? Of all the nerve! Whatta you know about me?

Suddenly the feet came down to their proper place with a bang, and leaning forward, he wrote rapidly for a few moments, then called, "Charlie." The noise of the typewriter stopped and a young man entered the room. "Charlie, I've been gettin' out a little advertisin' stuff here, and I wish you'd take it over to George Udell's an' wait until they fix it up, so you can bring me back the proof.

I was tryin' to light a fire, which wouldn't blaze up, seein' the sticks were green, when what should I do but take my powder-flask an' begin to shake a few grains on it. On a sudden away went the flask out of my hand with a loud bang, gettin' shivered to pieces, an' knockin' me over.

Only the voices of the men at mark and the referee were heard, and the heavy bang of the black powder. Bobby liked to listen to the referee. Reporting, as he did, hundreds of results in the course of the afternoon, his intonation became mechanical. "Dead!" he snapped in the crispest, shortest syllable, when the glass ball was broken by the charge.

The girl swept out of the building with tragedy-queen strides that refused to adjust themselves to the lazy, lounging pace of her mother, and carried her homeward so swiftly that she had time to bang the front gate and the front door, and her own room door and lock it, and be crying on the bed with her face in the pillow, long before her mother reached the house.