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"Never at all." It was Mr. Balais who looked up at the sky-light this time as though he expected a thunder-bolt. "The notes, of which we have heard so much, as being hoarded in this ingenious box of yours and that you are a very ingenious man, Mr. Trevethick, there is no doubt this box, I say, was kept in a certain cupboard, was it not?" "It was."

"Yes," repeated Mr. Balais, recapitulating these facts upon his fingers; "you were left alone with him all day; you met him alone at night, away from your father's roof; you returned his kisses; and all this without the slightest suspicion if we are to believe his evidence being aroused upon the part of your parent.

Balais; and he looked around him with the air of one who was convinced of the fact. "The prisoner at the bar was, I believe, your daughter's lover, was he not?" "Not that I knew of." "Not that you know of?" repeated Mr. Balais. "Will you venture to repeat that?"

Nevertheless I hope to see you to-morrow, and beg you to make yourself comfortable in my house. All your conditions have been fulfilled. I inclose a note addressed to the port inspector at Toulon and hope everything will turn out as you desire. "JEAN BALAIS, Curate of Beaussuet."

Was it the bang of the gate, or had Harry really answered in a firm voice, that resounded through the silent court-house, "No, Sir?" "What!" said Mr. Balais, raising his voice a little.

"Do you mean that you were employed by the government, or that the examination was a government one?" interrupted the judge. "You'll hear something now," whispered Mr. Weasel to Mr. Balais, "by Jove!" "Both, my lord," explained the witness.

"That's neat," whispered a learned friend to Mr. Balais, reverently shutting his eyes, as though in rapt admiration. "Very," returned that gentleman. "He's bidding for the Lord Chief Justiceship." "In the whole course of my legal experience, young man," continued the judge, "I have never seen a case which seems to me to call for more exemplary punishment than yours.

His idea a wrong and foolish one, indeed, but then look at his youth and inexperience was to impose upon this old miser, by showing him his own money in another form, and then, when he had gained his object, to return it to him. Mr. Balais was, for his own part, as certain of such being the fact as that he was standing in that court-house.

Balais jumped up to his feet again, as though he were on springs, and called for Harry Trevethick. The judge was taking snuff at the time; and such was the stillness that you could hear the overplus falling on the paper before him on which he wrote down his notes. There was a minute's delay, during which every eye was fixed upon the witness-box, and then Harry appeared.

Your father took care to be away most days, did he, in order that you should be left a good deal together?" Mr. Smoothbore started to his feet. "My lud, I submit," etc.; meaning that this was a mode of interrogating the witness that he could not submit to for an instant. "Very good," said Mr. Balais, smiling. "I will not put the question in that form, then. The form is of very little consequence.