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"The end, William?" "The end of the year. When the bills come in." "How did you think Bessie looked to-night?" "I thought my little Deleah was the belle of the ball." "Deleah is a child only. You never have eyes but for Deleah." "Bess was all right." "I thought she looked so fair and sweet. Her neck and arms are like milk, William. I wonder if Reggie Forcus means anything?" "Ba-a! Not he!

I heard a little lamb cry ba-a! POTATOES IN JACKETS. 'The butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker, All jumped out of a roasted potato. STEWED BEANS. 'You, nor I, nor nobody knows, Where oats, peas, beans, and barley grows. CHICKEN AND BEEF SANDWICHES. 'Hickety, pickety, my pretty hen Laid good eggs for gentlemen. Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief, Taffy came to my house and stole a piece of beef. LEMON PIE. 'A pie sat on a pear-tree. PLUM TARTS. 'The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts, All on a summer's day. FRUIT, NUTS, AND RAISINS. 'You shall have an apple, You shall have a plum. 'I had a little nut-tree, nothing would it bear But a silver nutmeg and a golden pear. BREAD AND CHEESE. 'When I was a bachelor I lived by myself, And all the bread and cheese I got I put upon the shelf. COFFEE AND LEMONADE. 'One, two, three, how good you be!

The oxen stand staring at you with their fixed eyes and gory carcasses; the calves are jumping or frisking in skinless innocence; the sheep ba-a at you with open mouths, or cast sheep's-eyes at the by-passers; the rabbits, having traveled hundreds of miles, are jumping, or running, or turning somersaults in frozen tableaux to keep themselves warm, and so on with every variety of flesh, fowl, and even fish.

When they called the hired man in and tied him down on the bed, an effort was made to interview him, but the only answer he could give to such questions as how he felt and when he wanted his medicine was a "ba-a" precisely like that of a goat, and then he would strain himself in an effort to butt a hole in the headboard. The condition of the patient was so alarming, and Mrs.

"Patriotism!" he exclaimed scornfully. "My country! The darned fools; the country never belonged to them, but to the speculators, the absentees, land-boomers, swindlers, gangs of thieves the men the patriotic fools starve and fight for their masters. Ba-a!" The opposition collapsed.

Even when, as their ranks closed in around the automobile, we broke a chain with a pretty little tinkling noise, and some of the sheep tripped up on it, they did nothing but smile and merely mention "ba-a" in an indifferent, absent-minded way. "If you only knew how much nicer you are with mint sauce!"

Who could be expected to take an interest in nouns and adverbs while his heart was out in the woods with the bugs and bees or with the sheep over in yonder field, whose ba-a, ba-a, was borne in distinctly through the open door? "I'm sure I would never have my lessons if I went to school here in the summer time," thought Alice as she glanced over the room.

And Snowball and Rufus let go, and each ram ran a few paces and stopped with his head close to the ground, while each knight brandished his spear and dug with his spurred heels. One charger gave a ba-a! The other heard, raised his head, saw his enemy, and ba-a-ed an answering challenge.