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We were up and away at once, headed eastward toward Petra, I perched on top of a baggage beast until Ali Baba could cut across at an angle and overtake us. So those who watched no doubt confirmed the story of Ali Higg's presence on the scene. Had they not from the horizon seen the train stopped? Did they not with their own eyes see us scoot for Petra?

Baba Mustapha remembered the poet's words: The abyss is worth a leap, however wide, When life, sweet life, is on the other side. And he controlled himself to the mastery of his members, and stepped forward to essay once more the Shaving of Shagpat.

The King mused awhile and sank in his beard. Then said he to them that had hold of Baba Mustapha watching for the signal, 'I have thought over it, and the means of bringing double honour on the head of Shagpat. So release this fellow, and put in his hands the tackle taken from him.

Within a few years the Sultan died at a good old age, and, as he left no male children, the Princess Buddir al Buddoor came to the throne, and she and Aladdin reigned together many years. There once lived in a town of Persia two brothers, one named Cassim and the other Ali Baba. Their father divided his small property equally between them.

In short, none of them could imagine which way he had entered; for they were all persuaded nobody knew their secret, little imagining that Ali Baba had watched them. It was a matter of the greatest importance to them to secure their riches.

And all night long fire glows in the skulls and fades as the dawn rises." "Now tell us one of the Baba Yaga stories," said Maroosia. "Please," said Vanya. "I will tell you how one little girl got away from her, and then, if ever she catches you, you will know exactly what to do." And old Peter put down his pipe and began:

"If only this night passes without misadventures, I propose to attack Achi Baba to-morrow with whatever Hunter-Weston can scrape together of the 29th Division. Such an attack should force the enemy to relax their grip on Sedd-el-Bahr. I can look now to the Australians to keep any enemy reinforcements from crossing the waist of the Peninsula."

Morgiana, while they were eating, made the necessary preparations for executing one of the boldest acts ever meditated, and had just determined, when Abdoollah came for the dessert of fruit, which she carried up, and as soon as he had taken the meat away, set upon the table; after that, she placed three glasses by Ali Baba, and going out, took Abdoollah with her to sup, and to give Ali Baba the more liberty of conversation with his guest.

It turns out to be the Koordish village of Malosman, and the people are found to be so immeasurably superior in every particular to their kinsfolk of Dele Baba that I forthwith cancel my determination and accept their proffered hospitality.

As to the delay in letting me have the Indian Brigade; a delay which has to-day, so say the 29th Division, cost us Krithia and Achi Baba, I say "Unluckily Cox's Brigade is a day late, but I still trust it will arrive to-morrow during the day." Bis dot qui cito dat. O truest proverb!