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But once again, when an azalea was shown to him as the sort of bush that Sandy drunkenly slept under in 'The Idyl of Iced Gulch', he asked, "Why, is that an azalea?"

Merritt, you have children of your own " "Sure I have! That's how I know how to treat 'em so well. If mine were only small enough, I wouldn't need this little cutie. Well, here goes, then!" This time he laid such a definite hold on the baby, that Azalea could scarcely keep the child in her own arms. In her utter desperation, a new idea struck her. She would try strategy.

"I'm sure you will," agreed Betty, and Farnsworth looked at her appreciatively, feeling a deep sense of gratitude at the way she was helping Patty out. "It seems hard on you, Azalea," he went on, "to talk of you like this, as if you were not present, but it is so. You need, I'm not going to hesitate to tell you, you need a thorough training in matters pertaining to polite society.

I'll skittle into my frock and go down to that flowery, bowery piazza again. I like that." "What shall you put on?" asked Patty, interestedly, as Azalea made a mad dive into her trunk. "Dunno. What say? This?" She held up a mussy looking white muslin, trimmed with coarse embroidery and some imitation lace.

And if you are afraid that I am not what you have been accustomed to, not refined and delicate and punctilious, you may easily carry that too far. I AM delicate! You shall see!" Madame de Cintre walked some distance away, and paused before a great plant, an azalea, which was flourishing in a porcelain tub before her window.

"Oh, don't try to be funny, Azalea; I'm really angry about this matter." "Huffy, eh? Well, get over it, then! I don't care! Some people like me! Don't they?" The last question was asked of Raymond Gale, who came walking by. "Sure; I do!" was the hearty reply. "Who doesn't?" "Elise," and Azalea pouted at the girl. "Fiddlesticks!" said Elise, gaily.

"No; I'm not flighty," persisted Azalea, who was entirely composed now, and who spoke firmly, though she was evidently controlling herself with an effort. "And I'm going to confess now," she went on. "Now and here. Miss Grayson is so kind and dear I don't mind her knowing, and the rest of you must know. I must tell you, I can't live if I don't."

It's far more likely Azalea took her out for a ride or something. She's crazy over the baby and she always wants to have her to herself, but, she says, Winnie won't let her." "And indeed not!" spoke up the nurse. "Miss Thorpe, she tosses the child about in a way that'd fair curdle your blood! That she does!" "That's true," said Patty.

She behaved much better at table and in the presence of guests. Patty rejoiced at the improvement and, as she took strict care that Azalea should have no opportunity to see Fleurette alone, she feared no repetition of those anxious hours when the baby was missing. Elise rather liked the Western girl. They became good friends and went for long strolls together.

Here, every day, were to be heard the glorious song of the cardinal grosbeak, the insect-like effort of the blue-gray gnatcatcher, and the rigmarole of the yellow-breasted chat. On a wooded hillside, where grew a profusion of trailing arbutus, pink azalea, and bird-foot violets, the rowdyish, great-crested flycatchers were screaming in the tree-tops.