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The ayre is holesome, the waters good, the people very faire and well bodied: bare headed commonly they goe, procuring baldnesse with sorrow and teares, eftsoones rooting vp with pinsars all the haire of their heads as it groweth, except it be a litle behind, the which they knot and keepe with all diligence.

And if at any time shee put her mouth to bite it off, it seemed, that where she had beene long in making of a rose with her hands, she would in an instant make roses with her lips; as the lillies seemed to haue their whitenesse rather of the hand that made them, than of the matter whereof they were made; & that they grew there by the suns of her eyes, and were refreshed by the most * comfortable ayre, which an unawares sigh might bestow upon them.

This marvellous remedy was made by putting live toads into an earthen pot so as to half fill it, and baking and burning them "in the open ayre, not in an house," concerning which latter possibility I suspect Madam Winthrop would have had something to say, until they could be reduced by pounding, first into a brown, and then into a black, powder.

Her conscience was evidently quite at ease; but they did not know whether this meant that her actions had deserved no blame. However, they were neither of them men to judge such a case as hers harshly. "If I were fifteen years younger," said Ayre, "I would waste all my time on you." "Why, you're only about forty," said Claudia. "That's not too old." "Good!" said he, smiling.

The discussion of general topics was found to be a relief. "The utter uselessness of such a class as Ayre represents," said Morewood emphatically, taking up a conversation that had started no one quite knew how, "must strike every sensible man." "At least they buy pictures," said Eugene. "On the contrary, they now sell old masters, and empty the pockets of would-be buyers."

In fact, it was a pleasure to him to exercise his brains once again, instead of being the slave of his emotions. Ayre had anticipated such a result from their conversation. "Everything more," he said. "Personal holiness is at the bottom of it all." "The best thing, I dare say." Ayre conceded. "But indispensable? Besides, you have it." "Never again." "Yes, I say in all essentials." "I can't do it.

In the afternoon carried them to Westminster, and myself to James's, where, not finding the Duke of York, back home, and with my wife spent the evening taking the ayre about Hackney, with great pleasure, and places we had never seen before. 24th. W. Hewer and I dined alone at the Swan; and thence having thus waited on the King, spent till four o'clock in St.

"I have been more patient than most men," Haddington was saying. "You have no right to speak in that way," Kate protested; "it's it's not respectful." "Kate, have we not got beyond respect?" "I hope not," said Sir Roderick to himself. "I mean," Haddington went on, "there is a point at which you must face realities. Kate, do you love me?" Ayre leant forward and peered through the bushes.

Fox at White Hall to speak with him about the same matter, and having some pretty satisfaction from him also, he and I took boat and to Fox Hall, where we spent two or three hours talking of several matters very soberly and contentfully to me, which, with the ayre and pleasure of the garden, was a great refreshment to me, and, 'methinks, that which we ought to joy ourselves in.

This somewhat incoherent letter reached Sir Roderick Ayre as he passed through London, and tarried a day or two in early October. He opened it, read it, and put it down on the breakfast-table. Then he read it again, and ejaculated. "Talk about madness! Why, because Stafford's mad if he is mad must our friend the painter go mad too? Not that I see he is mad.