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"Now listen, Richard," replied the Consul, quickly. "If there is a thing I must find fault with you for, it is your want of self-reliance. Don't you suppose that, with your gifts and attainments, you could get a far higher post if you only chose to apply for it?" "No; but, Christian Frederick " exclaimed the attaché, regarding his brother with astonishment.

British statesmen and British soldiers made no attempt to conceal from official Americans the desperate state of affairs. It was the expectation that the Germans might reach Calais and thence invade England. The War Office discussed these probabilities most freely with Colonel Slocum, the American military attaché.

He had been an attaché of the American embassy at London for many years. Administrations changed and ambassadors came and went, but Singleton was never molested. It was said that he kept his position on the score of his wide acquaintance; he knew every one, and he was a great peddler of gossip, particularly about people in high station. The children of Hilton Claiborne were not to be overlooked.

Perhaps we shall never see each other again.... But if at any time you need me, you may know who I am." And, as though presenting him to another person, he gave his name and titles ceremoniously: Archibald von Kramer, Naval Lieutenant of the Imperial Navy.... His diplomatic rôle had not been entirely false.... He had served as Naval Attaché in various embassies.

When darkness supervened we retired to our base with a loss of two killed and seven wounded; whereas 45 prisoners and 20 horses with saddles and accoutrements were evidence that we had inflicted a severe loss upon the enemy. So far as I know, the Commandant-General was satisfied with my work. On the day after the fight I met an attaché. He spoke in French, of which language I know nothing.

Amidst much that was coarse, and more that was exaggerated, there was still some foundation for the remarks of the Attache. "You arrogate a little too much to yourselves," I observed, "in considering the United States as all America.

"A friend of mine, Monsieur Narcisse Habert, an attache at our embassy, procured it for me, and I am going with him." That evening, indeed, there was to be a fete at the Palazzo Buongiovanni on the Corso, one of the few galas that take place in Rome each winter.

He was attaché in Paris; subsequently in Vienna; he has had ever so many chances, and drops through all. One can't help loving Val; he is an attractive, sweet-tempered, good-natured fellow; but he was certainly born under an unlucky star. Elster's folly!" "Val will drop through more chances yet," remarked Lady Maude. "I pity Miss Ashton, if she means to wait for him." "Means to!

Don't stay here, don't believe in the Army of the Loire:" and the attache of the American Legation slipped his arm through Trent's and drew him toward the Louvre. "Then it's another lie!" said Trent bitterly. "Worse we know at the Legation I can't speak of it. But that's not what I have to say. Something happened this afternoon.

Then, reverting to Monsignor Gamba del Zoppo, the attache explained that the functions of Copiere, or papal cup-bearer, which his cousin should have discharged as one of the four Camerieri segreti partecipanti had become purely honorary since the dinners offered to diplomatists or in honour of newly consecrated bishops had been given by the Cardinal Secretary of State.