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"I'll not deny but what my 'eart failed me a trifle; but it was only a word, sir, what anybody might have said in the 'eat of the moment, and over with it." "Certainly," said I. "That is quite my own opinion." "The way I came to be anxious about the Viscount," he continued, "is that I believe he might be induced to form an 'asty judgment.

As the prize-fighter in Rodney Stone says, "When you get a good Irishman, you can't better 'em, but they're dreadful 'asty." O'Hara was attending the gymnasium every night, in order to learn to curb his "dreadful 'astiness", and acquire skill in its place. "I wonder if Trevor would be any good in a row," said Moriarty. "He can't box," said O'Hara, "but he'd go on till he was killed entirely.

A bloomin' 'asty puddin' was that tournamong, but it wasn't so bloomin' 'asty that the Subadar and William Connor didn't finish what they started for to do when the day was young." "Did Janders stick the b'y?" asked Coolin, who had just come in from Suakim with the Commissariat camels. "Shure, I hope to God he didn't!" He was pale and wild of eye.

Their poor fingers is worn away cramming the paper into the moulds; but they never complains, no more shouldn't I if he was a bit gentler and didn't take more than half of what he earns to the public-'ouse. I was glad you was away, Esther, for you allus was of an 'asty temper and couldn't 'ave borne it.

It will be seen from the preceding description that Athens, in its larger acceptation, and including its port, consisted of two circular cities, the Asty and Piraeus, each of about 7 1/2 miles in circumference, and joined together by a broad street of between four and five miles long.

"Ave it your own way," he sang out. "Ole George ain't good enough for you, I see. I'll say good-day." The giant jerked his musket to his shoulder. "Come in!" he thundered. "Or I'll plug a hole through that great paunch o your'n." The fat man saw himself covered. He paddled back, grinning ghastly. "Avast there, Red Beard!" he tittered. "You're that asty. Can't you take a little joke?"

'I say, Tom, she said, 'don't tike on so; I didn't mean it. He was bursting to apologize for his behaviour. 'Yer know, Tom, she went on, 'I'm rather 'asty, an' I'm sorry I said wot I did. 'Oh, Liza, you are good! You ain't cross with me? 'Me? Na; it's you thet oughter be cross. 'You are a good sort, Liza! 'You ain't vexed with me?

Sartin's person had expanded in the last few years and her powers of expressing emotion seemed to have expanded with her person. Disappointment was writ large on her ample countenance. "Well, now, if that isn't a shame and a contrariwise of purpose. I've taken a job, Mr. Christopher, for that blessed afternoon. I've promised to dress Miss Asty, who is making a debût at a matiny at the Court.

"Oh, all right, give it me!" said Mr. Smivvle, rising. "Are you name o' Barrymaine?" "No, but you can leave it with me, and I " "Leave it?" repeated the head, in a slightly injured tone, "leave it? axing your pardons, gents, but burn my neck if I do! If you ain't name o' Barrymaine v'y then p'r'aps this is 'im a-coming upstairs now, and werry 'asty about it, too!"

I dessay I spoke rather 'asty then; I didn't know what sort of littery line you were going to take up with, but if you go on as you've begun, you're all right. And when I have a nephew that makes people talk about him and shows up them that makes themselves unpleasant as neighbours, why, what I say is, Make the most of him! And that brings me to what I've come about.