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Tell me truly how much you have thought of the Asir in these last years?" But none answered. It was with them as with me: the Asir were not of England. "One thing," said Guthrum, "has gone against our taking up the English faith we have thought the words of peace have made men cowardly. Now we know that is not so.

And, truly, if the love of poor folk did help, Havelok's burden weighed naught, great though it was. Yet we thought little of the blessings of the Welsh folk of the marsh in those days, for they blessed not in the names of the Asir, being sons of the British Christians of long ago, and many, as I think, Christians yet.

Then the king looked long at me, and the sheriff stayed, and at first I expected passionate words; but the king's rage was cold and dreadful now. "His friends slay him not I," he answered. Then of a sudden I minded somewhat, and clear before me stood a test by which I might know certainly if it were good that I should leave the Asir and follow the way of the white Christ.

"So," said the jarl, harshly, "you dare to dishonour Thor?" I answered boldly, feeling very strong in the matter. "I dishonour no man's religion, Jarl, neither yours nor my own." "You did no honour to the Asir," he said sternly. "Thor and Odin are not the gods I worship," I answered. "I know. You are one of those who have left the gods of your fathers."

In the old heathen days this cup was called the "Bragi bowl," and the vows were made in the names of the Asir, and mostly ended in fighting before the year was over. We kept the old name yet, but now the vows were made in the name of all the Saints, and if Ina or any other made one it was sure to be of such sort that it would lead to some worthy deed before long, wrought in all Christian wise.

"Let us dress Thor himself like a bride in Freia's robes, and send him to Jotunheim to talk with Thrym and to win back his hammer." But at this word Thor grew very angry. "What! dress me like a girl!" he roared. "I should never hear the last of it! The Asir will mock me, and call me 'maiden'! The giants, and even the puny dwarfs, will have a lasting jest upon me! I will not go! I will fight!

And presently flapped over me the ravens in the wake of the kites, and the great sea eagles came in screaming and went the same way, and so for all the time that I was at the ship, and until I came home." "There is a sacrifice to the Asir somewhere," I said, "for the birds of Odin and Thor have always their share." My father shook his head.

Now as one may buy the place of a godar, with the right to have a temple of the Asir for a district and the authority that goes therewith, if so be that one falls vacant or is to be given up by the holder, this did not seem unlikely, seeing how rich we were fast growing. And indeed my mother's saying came to pass hereafter, though not at all in the way of which we both thought.

We have seen you forego a blood feud and do well to the innocent man whom our faith would have bidden you slay, and it is good. We know you for a brave warrior, and your faith has not taken the might from your heart as we were told it must. Only let the priest be a Saxon." Then he added, as if thinking aloud: "Ay, Odin and Thor and the rest of the Asir are far off from us here.

And to him came Goldberga softly, presently, lest he should be lonely in that place. And there she spoke to him of her own faith, saying that already he owed much to it. For he was making his vows to the Asir for success. "Shall you pray yet again to the Asir, my husband?" she asked. "Why should I? I have vowed my vows, and there is an end.