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He clung to the couch like a shattered wretch; and when his father turned his eyes on him and gasped out: "Then the Court our Court of justice pronounced an unrighteous sentence?" he bowed his head in contrition. The dying man murmured even less articulately and incoherently than before: "The gem the hanging you, you perhaps was it you? that emerald I cannot..."

"None of your tricks," said the squire; "yours is not bad music; you speak your words articulately, and even eloquently. Your accompaniment is a little queer, especially in the bass; but you find out your mistakes, and slip out of them Heaven knows how. Zoe, you are tame, but accurate. Correct his accompaniments some day when I'm out of hearing. Practice drives me mad. Give us another."

The tone of pedantic rectitude in these passages is characteristic. Every smallest thing is either right or wrong, and if wrong, can be articulately proved so by reasoning. Life grows too dry and literal, and loses all aërial perspective at such a rate; and the effect is the more displeasing when the matters in dispute have a rich variety of aspects, and when the aspect from which Mr.

Just as the misconception of the divine character does influence many a life in which it has never been spoken articulately, and needs some steady observation of ourselves to be detected, so is it with this dread of Him.

So she talked with Molly, who was almost articulately joyful over her escape from the country, at the sight of streets and motor carriages. As they were going to dinner a servant brought word that a reporter wished to speak to John.

But I respectfully implore those who reject my doctrine because they can make nothing of my stumbling language, to tell us in their own name und zwar very concretely and articulately! just how the real, genuine and absolutely 'objective' truth which they believe in so profoundly, is constituted and established.

He clung to the couch like a shattered wretch; and when his father turned his eyes on him and gasped out: "Then the Court our Court of justice pronounced an unrighteous sentence?" he bowed his head in contrition. The dying man murmured even less articulately and incoherently than before: "The gem the hanging you, you perhaps was it you? that emerald I cannot. . ."

But now well, the children give me a good word too, now that her lips are silent!" "Olympias!" cried the bird loudly and articulately, and the clouds that shadowed the gem-cutter's brow lifted a little, as with an affectionate smile he went on: "Yes, yes; you would be glad, too, to have her back again. You call her now, as I did yesterday, standing by her grave and she sends you her love.

What distinction is there between a man and a beast, except that a man can speak articulately and a beast sonorously? Does not each derive life from heat, and understanding from light, by the operation of nature?" Hereupon the rest exclaimed, "Admirable! you speak from judgement."

He had become a little spokesman of humanity, uttering what all experience repeats more or less articulately; and even if he should cease to be honoured in men's memories, he would continue to be unwittingly honoured and justified in their lives. What we may conceive to have come in this way even within a Horace's apprehension is undoubtedly what has attached many nobler souls to fame.