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The city was astir as the car entered. The news was shouted from the car, that one of the accursed, who defied "The Lord, Apleon," had been captured, and was to be tortured in the Broadway. The great open space was crowded with people.

For the bodies of the Two Witnesses suddenly stood upon their feet. They were facing Apleon, as they stood up. Their eyes met his startled, fearsome gaze. His face was deathly pale. A tomb-like hush of awe and fear was upon the gathered peoples. Suddenly, overhead, three deep notes, like thunder rolled through space.

But now the message of the prophet had in it testimony as well as warning: "Have we not warned you for three years and a half, that the man, Apleon, whom you have all trusted in, was but the tool of his father, the Devil?

Energized by Satan, even as Anti-christ himself is, the false Prophet becomes a mighty force among the world's peoples, persuading them that Apleon really is God, and worthy of worship. The whole world has seen and heard of the marvellous miracles of "The Prophet," as he is called. The infatuation of all the world for the Man of Sin, Lucien Apleon, was almost absolute and complete.

She glanced frightenedly around, then with her finger raised, she whispered: "The very air seems full of spies here, as it was at Babylon." She leant towards him until her lips almost touched his ear, and whispered: "Lucien Apleon, The Emperor, has decreed that Ralph Bastin is to be slain!" "Tell me more, Rose, trust me absolutely, dear child!" His voice was very hoarse as he spoke.

As the chant finished, Cohen turned and faced Apleon, and slowly climbed the steps. The music had ceased now, and, amid an absolute silence, Apleon took "the embroidered coat" from the offered hands of one of the subordinate priests. The garment was of white linen wonderfully, beautifully embroidered.

A moment or two after Apleon and the mighty throng which followed him had passed, the crowd of Jews left the cul-de-sac, and silently, anxiously dispersed in various directions. Cohen found himself walking with the man who had been Hight-priest last year.

Everyone seemed to be wearing the brand of the "Beast," and more than once our trio came very near to being set upon, for that they were defying public opinion, as well as the command of the All-Supreme Director of consciences as well as lives Apleon by the absence of the "Mark" upon them.

At the same instant the executioner held aloft, by the hair, the severed head of Ralph Bastin. Yells of delight, mingled with "Long live our God Apleon!" greeted the sight of the head. George Bullen's head was now upon the block, while Rose, the light of a holy triumph in her eyes, unable to sing because of her bleeding mouth, shouted, "Jesus! Jesus! Precious Christ!"

And Lucien Apleon, endowed with special wisdom of his father and Master the Devil recognized this necessity for a religion from the outset of his career. The Devil has always recognized religion, encouraged it, and has even instigated it in a hundred forms, during the last 6,000 years.