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He noticed, too, whenever his own presence had been realized, that the worshippers, while bowing before the image faced him, Apleon, so that they really gave him the worship. In spite of all that Romanists, and others of a similar cult, may say, the worship of an image or of a statue, means the worship of the person imaged or sculptured this is the very essence of all image-worship.

The procession of Kings, headed by Apleon, Emperor of the World, will start from the Apleon Palace at 7-0 a. m. Imperial troops will line the way. "Fanfare of trumpets will greet the procession on its arrival at the Temple Gates. "Opening ode will be sung by 1,000, singers massed in the courtyard.

But nothing escaped Bullen, for while the attention of everyone else in the place was given only in a general way to the robing of the High Priest, his whole and absolute attention was concentrated on Apleon, all that he did, every varying expression of his handsome but sardonic face, and every movement of his fingers. Another priest handed "The curious girdle of the Ephod."

Hearing his own tongue, and noting the garb of his horse's leader, the King flung a word of thanks to George, who led the horse right up to the door of the sanctuary. Each monarch kept his saddle. Five were drawn up on one side, and five on the other. They waited for Apleon. A moment or two only, then amid a thunder of acclaim of "Long live the World's Emperor!"

Spies had informed him that Cohen, the first high-priest, was undoubtedly the leader of the fugitives, but that his wife and daughter had refused to accompany him. "They are wholly with our World-Lord, Apleon," one of the spies had said. "Will Cohen, think you," asked the chaplain, "steal back under cover of one of the dark nights and try to induce his wife to join him?" "No," laughed the spy.

"I have, of course, seen this morning's 'Courier, and have been intensely interested, and, will you mind, if I say it, amused." "Amused, Mr. Apleon?" cried Ralph. "Yes, intensely amused," went on the mocking-eyed visitor. "I do not mean with the issue as regards its general contents, it was to the 'Prophet's Chair' column that I alluded."

With the infernal cunning which has ever characterized Satan's efforts to thwart God and His Christ, he has counterfeited every rite, every sacrament of Christ's Church. Hence Apleon, Satan's tool, is very keen upon this matter of a baptismal sign.

Cohen proceeded: "In spite of our position, today, fathers and brethren, we could not maintain it a week, and certainly we could not strengthen and consolidate it, but for our Emperor. We desire to maintain, to strengthen our position, hence it has seemed good to the great International Jewish committee to seek to have a covenant with Lucien Apleon, Emperor Dictator of the World.

And we believe that the product of this co-ordination is in our Great Superman, the God of the Universe, Apleon, our Superior-God, and Him we worship and adore " The priest made a well-understood sign, and the whole mass of the people knelt they were too crowded to prostrate themselves.

In fact, more than that number of persons might be expected to leave every twenty-four hours the ordinary exit of visitors after the special visit. But, presently, it was reported to Apleon, that a mighty exodus of Jews and Gentiles, few of whom wore the "Brand of the Covenant," had taken place, and was still taking place. He had spies everywhere.