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On that side where it joined to the porticoes of the temple, there were stairs reaching to each portico, by which the guard descended; for there was always lodged here a Roman legion; and posting themselves in their armour in several places in the porticoes, they kept a watch on the people on the feast-days to prevent all disorders; for as the temple was a guard to the city, so was Antonia to the temple."

The fields below us were dark, the sky was growing pale, and that forgotten plough had sunk back to its own littleness somewhere on the prairie. LATE in August the Cutters went to Omaha for a few days, leaving Ántonia in charge of the house. Since the scandal about the Swedish girl, Wick Cutter could never get his wife to stir out of Black Hawk without him.

His work is an exercise of personal powers; his leisure is spent in receiving the marks of extraordinary adulation. And he likes it, too. Can anybody be more fortunate? To be feared and admired is " "And are these your highest aspirations, Don Martin?" interrupted Antonia. "I was speaking of a man of that sort," said Decoud, curtly. "The heroes of the world have been feared and admired.

But I was told not to say anything about it!" The debt was becoming a bore. The whole air was full of it. I hastily paid Donna Antonia a few incoherent compliments, and took my leave. As I was putting on my coat Colonel McGregor joined me and, with more friendliness than he usually showed me, accompanied me down the avenue toward the Piazza.

Harling and Antonia were preserving cherries, when I stopped one morning to tell them that a dancing pavilion had come to town. I had seen two drays hauling the canvas and painted poles up from the depot.

Antonia took it, and, looking at it attentively, she knew it to be the ring she had given her intended husband on their betrothal." "The ring!" exclaimed the prince, surprised. "How did you get it?" "Who? I? It was not the true one, your highness; I got it. It was only a counterfeit." "A counterfeit!" repeated the prince. "But in order to counterfeit you required the true one.

The guests had deserted the hall fire and a sentinel was set for the night before Madame La Tour knocked at Antonia's door. Antonia was slow to open it. But she finally let Marie into her chamber, where the fire had died on the hearth, and retired again behind the screen to continue dabbing her face with water.

"Your ladyship attempted too much in opening that box," said Marie. "It is not good to go back through old sorrows." "Madame La Tour may be right," gasped Claude's widow. "I could not now look at that gown, Lady Dorinda," protested Antonia.

The tea-gown had long lain in a chest, while Antonia was on her travels, and the great woman's eyes, fixed on more important things, had not perceived when it was taken out for her wear to-day that it was crushed and rumpled. Aurora believed it had been recovered from the ash-can, and her breast was filled with awe.

Kings, ministers, aristocrats, the rich in general, kept the people in poverty and subjection; they kept them as they kept dogs, to fight and hunt for their service. The darkness of the sky had descended to the line of the horizon, enveloping the whole gulf, the islets, and the lover of Antonia alone with the treasure on the Great Isabel.