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Reformers their assistance give To countenance old Sarum." Annus Mirabilis. It may, however, stand for Lord Bathurst, who became President of the Council shortly afterwards in Wellington's Administration. Mr. W.H. Murray, Manager of the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh. This excellent actor retired from the stage with a competency, and spent the last years of his life in St.

"I am just going for a turn into the meadow," said Charles; "this is to me the best time of the year: nunc formosissimus annus; everything is beautiful; the laburnums are out, and the may.

Many of these poems, like 'Annus Memorabilis' and 'Coming, were born of the great passion of patriotism which took possession of him, and were regarded only as the visions of a heated imagination. But when the storm burst it was seen that he had the true vision.

"Indignor quidquam reprehendi, non quia crasse Compositum, ille pide've putetur, sed quia nuper. "And, after, "Si meliora dies, ut vina, poemata reddit, Scire velim pretium chartis quotus arroget annus?

I always fancy Dryden in the drugget, with wig, lace ruffles, and sword superimposed. It is the type of this curiously incongruous man. The first poem by which Dryden won a general acknowledgment of his power was the "Annus Mirabilis," written in his thirty-seventh year.

He exalts the English drama above the French, the Italian, and the Spanish; and vindicates blank verse against rhymed, making, however, a flattering exception of Orrery's dramas. If Dryden was not pleased, he appears to have had the grace to conceal his displeasure. For he passed the greater part of 1666 at his father-in-law's house, and dedicated to Howard his Annus Mirabilis.

Polycraticus, &c. lib. 6, cap, 24, and lib. 8, cap. 23. William of Tyre, lib. 18. cap. 3 & 7. Brev. Pontif. Rom. Annus 1154. No. 48. Pagi, ibid. Fleury, Livre 76.

There are twelve of them in the first twenty words, fifteen of which are monsyllables. We notice the structure of Dryden's periods, but this grows up as we read. It gushes, like the song of the bird itself, "In profuse strains of unpremeditated art." Let us now take a specimen of Dryden's bad prose from one of his poems. I open the "Annus Mirabilis" at random, and hit upon this:

"How long have you been in this country?" "Un anno." "How long is that?" "A year," said Henry. "I know that, because 'annus' means a year in Latin." "Si, signor, a year," said Phil. "And where do you come from?" "Da Napoli." "That means from Naples, I suppose." "Si, signor."

The annus miserabilis 1917 had begun with the determination of the German Empire to render the seas impassable and to withdraw the pledge to President Wilson that merchant ships should not be sunk till the passengers and crew had a chance to get into open boats. On January 31, 1917, "Frightfulness" began anew, and the undersea fleets, enormously increased, were set loose in shoals.