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'Jolly sort of lodgings, said Mark, rubbing his nose with the knob at the end of the fire-shovel, and looking round the poor chamber; 'that's a comfort. The rain's come through the roof too. That an't bad. A lively old bedstead, I'll be bound; popilated by lots of wampires, no doubt. Come! my spirits is a-getting up again. An uncommon ragged nightcap this. A very good sign. We shall do yet!

And now it has come to me in my old age to let it go into the hands of strangers sold by my own flesh and blood for a mess of pottage, he not knowing what he did I will believe, God help me. I'm resting him and the judgment of him in the arms of Mercy, but my living folks have got to have an earthly shelter. Can you see a way, child? As I say, my eyes are a-getting dim."

"But I'd like to hear from him," she wailed, swaying herself to and fro. "I'm always a-dreaming of it." "You'll just dream a bit about getting the dinner ready," commanded Roy morosely; "that's what you'll dream about now. I said I'd have biled pork and turnips, and nicely you be a-getting on with it. Hark ye! I'm a-going now, but I shall be in at twelve, and if it ain't ready, mind your skin!"

"You unmitigated little rascal!" cried Mr. Jayres, "where've you been?" "Nowhere," said Bootsey, in an injured tone. "Didn't I tell you to get back promptly?" "Aint I a-getting' back?" "Aint you a-get whew!" roared Mr. Jayres, with the utmost exasperation, "how I'd like to tan your plaguey little carcass till it was black and blue! Come on, now," and Mr. Jayres strode angrily ahead.

'You won't mind me a-getting on with my work the whiles I talk, mum? she said. 'The men's tied to time, most of em, and I've often lost a customer by keepin' him waitin'. They're not too sweet-tempered in these parts. I was born and bred in Peckham myself, and only come here when I married my second husband, which he's a plumber by trade. I can't so much as ask you for to sit down, mum.

"That would be on his way to the Edwards ranch where he is staying." "Well, mebbe. They say he was mighty anxious to find your trunk. He's an awful nice young man " "Where's Mack?" asked Frances, endeavoring to stem the tide of the lady's speech. "He's a-getting the team ready, Frances. He's done had his breakfast. And I never did see a man with such a holler to fill with flapjacks.

'Ten minutes later we couldn't ha' got along. T' water war a-getting deeper and deeper, and t' loomps of water cooms along and well nigh took me off my feet. Oi was aboot to turn back, vor it war better, thinks oi, to be took by t' king's men than to be droonded, when he says, 'Here we be. He climbs oop t' rocks and oi follows him.

Old Jacob, he came by; I can see him now; it was just about Michaelmas time, a-getting dark after tea, though I hadn't had any, and he said to me, 'Hullo, missus, what are here for? and you've been a-cryin', for I had my face toward the sky and was looking at it. I never spoke. 'I know what's the matter with you, says he; 'do you think I don't?

"He be a friend of thine, and oi know thou lovest him loike a brother, and a soight mor'n most brothers; but it be moi roight. The captain gave his loife vor moi child's, and oi bee a going vor to give mine for his. That will make us quits. Besides, thou art young; oi be a-getting on. Jarge, he will be a-arning money soon; and Polly, she can get a place in sarvice, and 'ul help t' young uns.

Bunnett into their places to see 'ow the little dears was a-getting on. "Kindness to animals caused more unpleasantness in Claybury than anything 'ad ever done afore. There was hardly a man as 'ud speak civil to each other, and the wimmen was a'most as bad. Cats and dogs and such-like began to act as if the place belonged to 'em, and seven people stopped Mr.