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By comparing the spring and neap tides Newton found that the force with which the moon acted upon the waters of the earth was to that with which the sun acted upon them as 4.48 to 1; that the force of the moon produced a tide of 8.63 feet; that of the sun, one of 1.93 feet; and both of them combined, one of 10-1/2 French feet, a result which in the open sea does not deviate much from observation.

The silk balls raised at this place this year, were over four hundred pounds, three hundred and sixty-six pounds of which sold for 36l. 12s. 10-1/2d. The amount raised in the whole colony, was eight hundred and forty-seven pounds of cocoons, and sixty-two pounds of spun silk.

We do not doubt that the English Mint price of gold, £3 17s. 10-1/2d. an ounce, and the price at which the Bank of England are compelled to purchase, £3 17s. 9d. an ounce, are causes which not only regulate, but, within certain limits, determine, the price of gold throughout the world.

James's Church, Fair Haven, and the Rev. J. E. Heald, Rector of Trinity Church, Tariffville. The Holy Communion was celebrated in St. John's Church, the service beginning at 10-1/2 o'clock after the singing of the 138th Hymn. The Bishop was assisted in the service by the Rev. Dr. Beardsley of New Haven, the Rev. Dr. Seabury of New York, the Rev. Dr. Vibbert of Fair Haven, and the Rev.

The total cost of a ten-drawer cabinet ought not to exceed eighteen pence. A Tool Cabinet. The over-all dimensions of the cabinet represented are as follows: Height, including plinth, 25 inches; width, 17-3/8 inches; depth, 10-1/2 inches. The grooves should not come nearer than 1/8-inch to the bottom edge, or be more than 5/16 inch wide and deep.

En ce temps-ci tous mes moments sont comptes. La ceremonie aura lieu a la chapelle catholique de Kingston a 10-1/2h. a.m. Le train qui part de Waterloo Station a 9h.40 pour Surbiton arrive a temps. Votre bien affectionne, As to which the Journal says: May 23rd The Raymonds and Mlle. Lebreton came. 24th. Dined with Raymond at Claremont.

John two rods in twenty-two days, 199 fish; average, 10 pounds. Nipisiquit two rods, 76 fish; average, 9-1/2 pounds. Mingan three rods in thirty-two days, 218 fish; average, 10-1/5 pounds. Restigouche, 1872 three rods in ten days, 85 fish; average, 16-1/2 pounds; three largest, 30, 30 and 33 pounds.

It provided that after 1821 the bank should be compelled to pay its notes in bullion at the rate of £3 17s. 10-1/2d. per ounce, and that after 1823 holders of notes might demand at the bank current coin of the realm in Exchange. The same Act abolished the legal tender of silver for any sum beyond forty shillings. This made matters worse. Banks became more stringent. Prices of all commodities fell.

Farman the prize for the flight of longest duration by remaining more than three hours in the air, and the passenger carrying prize by carrying two passengers round a 10-kilometre course in 10-1/2 minutes. The Gnome rotary engine was first used with success at this meeting.

Hair brown and straight. Complexion dark. Eyes gray. Height 5 feet 10-1/2 inches. Weight about 140 pounds. Teeth white and even. May seek work as gasfitter. When last seen wore a gray suit with double breasted vest. Walks slightly sideways. "Here's our bird all right," said Detective Ferrett with a cold vulgarity which made the scouts' blood boil. "This is that Quebec chap, wanted for murder.