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"They climbed to the balcony, and we were well, we were undressing," she said to Richard, "and here they were hammering and yelling like like Siwashes! We grabbed our wrappers, we wanted to " "We wanted to lock them out there!" Amy explained, laughing uncontrollably. "But " "And I snapped off the light " Nina interposed, with deep satisfaction. "And, mind you " "And, Father "

She always wore her shapeless but clean print wrappers, and her iron-grey hair was always combed neatly down over her ears. Joseph sat between us, sleeping or purring. She spun so expertly that she could keep a close watch on the road as well, and I got the biography of every individual who went by.

But now he was vacating the house, and everything was already covered up, the pictures and their frames were under holland, the fine furniture all in covers of faded stuff, the chandeliers and statues wrapped up, the carpets rolled out of the way. Even the window-curtains were tucked into wrappers, and the blinds, except one he had raised, drawn down.

It is an elegy on the death of a youthful poet of considerable promise, Mr. Keats, and was printed at Pisa. After the publication in London of the Pisan edition of Adonais, the poem remained unreprinted until 1829. Arthur Hallam, the latter having brought from Italy a copy of the original pamphlet. The Cambridge edition, an octavo in paper wrappers, is now still scarcer than the Pisan one.

The child cast a timid glance up at the tall, slender figure clad in a dressing-gown of quilted crimson silk which dazzled her eyes, accustomed as she was to morning wrappers of dark-blue cotton at ninety-eight cents apiece; and she was filled with undefined apprehensions of splendor and opulence which might overwhelm her simple grasp of life and cause her to lose all her old standards of value.

I knew, however, that as soon as we left the shores of the Pacific, and ascended the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains, if not before, we should encounter thorough winter weather, and I prepared myself with coats and wrappers as a defence from the cold.

At eight o'clock, when we came on deck for the eight to twelve watch, I saw the Sailmaker coming forrard along the deck, from the Second Mate's old berth. He had his rule in his hand, and I knew he had been measuring the poor beggars in there, for their burial outfit. From breakfast time until near noon, he worked, shaping out three canvas wrappers from some old sailcloth.

Almost every Mexican above the age of ten years, and many much younger, smoked the cigarette. Nearly every Mexican carried a pouch of leaf tobacco, powdered by rolling in the hands, and a roll of corn husks to make wrappers. The cigarettes were made by the smokers as they used them.

If a stamped envelope or wrapper is spoiled, the stamp must not be cut off and used by pasting on another envelope or wrapper, for it will be treated as if no postage were paid. Such spoiled wrappers or envelopes will be exchanged, without charge, by the postmaster, for stamps of the same value. Never use a postal card to dun a debtor. Never send a confidential message on a postal card.

"You won't ask me anything that I don't want you to," she answered. "And you know there are some things I can't give you." Coffee was brought in, and he offered her sugar, knowing well if he had been able to collect himself that she never took it. Her cigarette went out and required another match. A pile of five books, still in their wrappers, absorbed her.