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'With many a weary sigh, therefore, and many a groan, the poor Dominie returned from his hopeless pilgrimage, and weariedly plodded his way towards Woodbourne, debating at times in his altered mind a question which was forced upon him by the cravings of an appetite rather of the keenest, namely, whether he had breakfasted that morning or no?

I understand from those who conduct the heavy baggage that he takes his winter quarters at a place called Woodbourne, in -shire in Scotland. He will be all on the alert just now, so I must let him enter his entrenchments without any new alarm. And then, my good Colonel, to whom I owe so many grateful thanks, pray look to your defence.

Helen's visit had lasted longer than at first proposed, and she only returned home, after an absence of five months, just in time to wish her little brother farewell, on his departure for school, a few weeks before the Consecration of St. Austin's. Lady Merton would have been glad to read Mrs. Woodbourne all the admiration of Helen, which Mrs.

Hazlewood got on horseback at least three hours later than he intended, and, cursing fine ladies, pointers, puppies, and turnpike acts of parliament, saw himself detained beyond the time when he could with propriety intrude upon the family at Woodbourne.

Woodbourne, with a smile, 'you must be wild to-day; you have brought me the account-book instead of But, my dear child, what is the matter? said she, perceiving that Elizabeth's face was scarlet, and her eyes full of tears. 'I will tell you presently, whispered Elizabeth, breathlessly, 'when you have done. She darted away again, and returned with the right book; but Mrs.

Having in vain endeavoured to guess the position of Woodbourne, and having nearly ascertained that of Kippletringan, he turned to take a parting look at the stately ruins which he had just traversed. He admired the massive and picturesque effect of the huge round towers, which, flanking the gateway, gave a double portion of depth and majesty to the high yet gloomy arch under which it opened.

'And now, he said to Bertram, 'I should be happy if you would accompany me to Hazlewood House; but as that might not be so agreeable just now as I trust it will be in a day or two, you must allow me to return with you to Woodbourne. But you are on foot. 'O, if the young Laird would take my horse! 'Or mine' 'Or mine, said half-a-dozen voices.

"May I request," said Bertram, "that you will see every decent solemnity attended to in behalf of this poor woman? I have some property belonging to her in my hands-at all events I will be answerable for the expense you will hear of me at Woodbourne."

With this he rang the bell, and, ordering Barnes into his private sitting-room, gave him some orders, with the result of which the reader may be made hereafter acquainted. We must now take up another adventure, which is also to be woven into the story of this remarkable day. Charles Hazlewood had not ventured to make a visit at Woodbourne during the absence of the Colonel.

"Sturm-wetter!" said the Captain, "do ye think we were mad?-none of us, man Gott! the country was too hot for the trade already with that d-d frolic of Brown's, attacking what you call Woodbourne House." "Why, I am told," said Glossin, "it was Brown who shot Hazlewood?" "Not our lieutenant, I promise you; for he was laid six feet deep at Derncleugh the day before the thing happened.