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Of a sudden, pity caught in my windpipe with a sob; I could have wept aloud to remember and behold him; and standing thus by his elbow, under the broad moon, I prayed fervently either that he should be released, or I strengthened to persist in my affection. "Oh God," said I, "this was the best man to me and to himself, and now I shrink from him.

Yes, I might save him, if you have the courage: opening his windpipe before the next spasm is his one chance." "Open his windpipe! Oh, doctor! It will kill him. Let me look at you." She looked hard in his face. It gave her confidence. "Is it the only chance?" "The only one: and it is flying while we chatter." He whipped out his lancet. "But I can't look on it.

Without other sound than the scuffing of their bodies on the floor, and the clanking of their armor, they fought, the one to reach the dagger at his side, the other to close forever the windpipe of his adversary. Presently, the man-at-arms found what he sought, and, after tugging with ever diminishing strength, he felt the blade slip from its sheath.

And then, having swung the man right round to the near side, he made him hang on to his stirrup leather whilst he lunged his sword clean through the German's neck and severed his windpipe as cleanly as would do it in the operating theater."

The years 1855-1856 beheld two other important glands of internal secretion, the thyroid, the gland in the neck astride the windpipe, and the thymus, in the chest above the heart, make their debut.

Shan't be able to kill 'n if hor's wunce beyond th' gaate stiddy, my son! Wo-op!" Thus he yelled, waving his soft hat: and the next minute was lying stunned across a carrot-bed, with eight fingers gripping the back of his neck and two thumbs squeezing on his windpipe. There was another assault case heard by the Lewminster bench; and this time the ex-engine-driver received four months.

The contraction of the opening of the windpipe changes the sound which passes through it, just as the opening or closing the keys of a wind instrument modifies the sound which it gives forth. But the windpipe is not simply a wind instrument, it is a stringed instrument too, and the strings or vocal cords, as they are termed, give forth, as they vibrate, tones now deeper, now more shrill.

The touch of flesh in my grasp seemed to rally my ebbing strength and I closed down with all the vicious force I could muster, until my nails sunk deep under the skin and his own arms relaxed and his agonized breath rattled in his windpipe. We went down locked together, but my grasp at his throat held, and as we rolled and wallowed I found myself on top and gripped the harder.

Howsumever, that's nuther here nor there; we'll jist go to the woman they told me on, an' if there's any truth to be torn out of her, out it'll ha' to come, if I ha' to tear out her windpipe with it. We took a cab and were soon in Primrose Court. The front door was wide open fastened back. Entering the narrow common passage, we rapped at a dingy inner door.

He walked about as usual and ate his food as though all were right. After an hour had elapsed the bandage was untied, and ten minutes after death overtook him. A she-ass received the wourali poison in the shoulder, and died apparently in ten minutes. An incision was then made in its windpipe and through it the lungs were regularly inflated for two hours with a pair of bellows.