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Look at thim two ridges! such a poor sthring o' praties is in it! one here an' one there an' yit we must turn up the whole ridge for that same! Well, God sind the time soon, when the right will take place, Jimmy agra!" "An' doesn't Pasthorini say it? Sure whin Twenty-five comes, we'll have our own agin: the right will overcome the might the bottomless pit will be locked ay, double: boulted, if St.

I am av the opinion av Polonius whin he said, "Don't fight wid ivry scutt for the pure joy av fightin', but if you do, knock the nose av him first an' frequint." We ought to ha' gone on an' helped the Ghoorkhas. 'But what do you know about Polonius? I demanded. This was a new side of Mulvaney's character.

I'm the boy that knows things you see now how I expounded them two hard words for yez, boys don't yez?" "Yes, sir," etc., etc. Barney. "I want to go out, if you plase, sir." "Go, avick, you'll be a good scholar yet, Barney. Faith, Barney knows whin to laugh, any how."

I'm thinking," he added thoughtfully, watching the rising anger of the waves, "that bime-by, whin we come near land, we'll be going that fast that we'll skim over the snow like a sled to the nixt lake." Roswell pointed to the shore on their right, indicating a stake which rose upright from the ground and stood close to the water. "What is the meaning of that?" he asked.

"Go on," I said, "have a good one and Mary and I will wash the cups and saucers." "D'ye know what he wants t' help me fur?" Mary asked, with her mouth close to his ear. "No." "He wants t' dhry thim so he can kiss her cup whin he wipes it! Kiss her cup, ye mind; and right content with that!" "I don't blame 'im," said he, "I'd kiss th' very groun' she walked on!"

"Divils me darlin', Doctor, it was bound to come all right some time. Shure, wasn't it natural the child should be all crumpled up like and lose her head for a while? Wasn't it natural she should fight out agin' takin' the property the leviathin left her, whin she knew there was another will he'd spoke on a paper to the lawyer the night he died, though he hadn't signed it?

"Ye've got me gun, ye old log of walnut, but ye hain't got me fists, begorrah, but, by the powers, ye shall have them some of these fine mornings whin yer eyes want opening." "Teddy, be silent!" sharply commanded the missionary.

I was goin' to the princess' afther me fare, whin I heard a shot. I wint where I heard the sound and found you. That's all I know." "Where did the bullet strike me?" "Foreninst yer head, Dannie. Ye'll have a bald spot there, I'm thinkin'. But it only broke the skin an' hit ye a welt that made ye see stars this cloudy night. Now I'm goin'. Maybe I'll have a report for you whin I come back.

"And what's words," retorted the cook, in supreme contempt, "but the expression o' sintiment, widout which there wouldn't have bin nuthin' wotsomediver in the univarse? Sintiment is the mother of all things, as owld Father O'Dowd used to say to my grandmother whin he wanted to come the blarney over her.

He don't throuble his hid to tell much to any wan; an', sure, wasn't the doctor slaapin' whin he returned aboord i' the night, an' wasn't I nursin' of 'im, and d'ee think any wan could git at 'im widout my lave?" Otto thought that certainly no one could easily accomplish that feat, and was about to say so, when Dr Marsh said remonstratively