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Had she got him on carpentering, engineering discovered his weak point? Water-wheels, inventors, steam-engines and the lumpish lad all in a glow, talking away nineteen to the dozen. What tact, what kindness in her gray-blue eyes! But he was interrupted by Mrs.

It takes hold and pulls, unweariedly, unvaryingly, and ceaselessly. It turns single water-wheels with a power of more than twelve hundred horses. It holds down houses, so that they are not blown away. It was made to serve man, and it works without a grumble. Thus the higher force in nature always prevails over the lower, and the greater amount over the less amount of the same force.

Above Hit the frequency of the water-wheels with their stone piers causes so much obstruction that navigation for any large boats is impossible. In one place there are seven wheels abreast. At last we arrived at an old bridge crossing one of the ancient canals, which branched off from the river in a westerly direction. I have sketched it on page 57.

She played with the toys her father made her, and thought them the most wonderful things in the world windmills, and little crooks, and water-wheels, and sometimes lambs made all of wool, and dolls made out of the leg-bones of sheep, which her mother dressed for her; and of such playthings she was never tired.

Most of the slaves are absolutely free from emotion of any sort: they move round as stolidly as the blind-folded horses that work the water-wheels in gardens beyond the town, or the corn mills within its gates. I think the sensitive ones and there are a few must come from the household of the unfortunate Sidi Abdeslam, who was reputed to be a good master.

And between high brick embankments we saw the river Joseph made swiftly running, deep golden yellow like the Nile, with ancient water-wheels pouring crystal jets into enormous troughs. This was our most fatiguing day, and we wanted our last encampment to be the best. We found the worst: a suburban meadow inhabited by goats and buffaloes. "Can't we move somewhere else?"

The frozen streams were thawed and ran bubbling and gurgling along their channels, turning water-wheels and filling all the quiet places with their merry noise. The air itself was full of sweet exhilaration. In the forests there was the scent of stirring sap and of the up-springing wild-flowers, and the rosy blossoms of the tender young larch-trees shone like jewels in the bright sunshine.

Dost thou not feel as though we were like children who have set some mighty engine in motion, like the great water-wheels in my native home, which, whirled by the flowing streams of time and opinion, may break up the whole foundations, and destroy the oneness of the edifice?" "It may be so," returned Colet. "What read we? `The net brake' even in the Master's sight, while still afloat on the sea.

The country, covered with an abundance of grain almost matured, was abandoned; the water-wheels stood still, and the cisterns were frequently infected by a bloody and putrefying carcass. 7th of Rebi. Passed the last night on board the boat, near the mountain already mentioned in the day before yesterday's journal.

As far as I could see, even through my glass, the land reached to the horizon line, intersected by canals, broken by gutters, shimmering with pools of water, with scattered clumps of sycamore trees and date palms, with long strips of cultivated ground, water-wheels rising here and there, and enlivened by the incessant coming and going of the labourers who followed, on the backs of camels, horses, or asses, or on foot, the narrow road bordering the levees.