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He looked impatiently round the cramped dining-room, listening for a moment to an altercation between Waring and Nares on the Dardanelles expedition. It was surely worth while to explore Agnes further and to see what part in her life this young Benyon was playing. . . .

I've got him," assured one of the detectives who was waiting without for some such move. As he came through the doorway the click of the handcuffs was quite audible to the startled group within the room. "What's the meaning of this, Waring?" shouted Nickleby, his face distorted with rage. "Are you trying to frame something on me? Take off these bracelets, damn you!"

It looks all right, of course, out here in the open; but the question is, when it's hung in the Academy, surrounded by warm reds, and purples, and blues, won't it look by comparison much too cabbagey and too grassy?" Elma drew a deep breath. "Oh, Mr. Waring," she cried, in a deprecating tone, holding her breath for awe.

"You have your gun?" he said, as though asking a question. "If you mean business, go ahead. I'll let you get your gun out and then I'll get you and you know it!" And with insulting ease he flicked his burned-out cigarette in the foreman's face. Without a word High Chin whirled his horse and rode toward the hills. Waring sat watching him until Lorry spoke.

"What do you mean by excellent qualities?" further inquired Mrs. Waring. Tears came into Fanny's sweet blue eyes, as she answered "A young girl like me, dear Aunt Mary, cannot penetrate very deeply into a man's character. We have neither the opportunity nor the experience upon which, coldly, to base an accurate judgment. The heart is our guide.

Waring, "I have listened to this discussion as long as I can bear it with patience. Had I been told of it, I should have thought it incredible that the methods of the money changers should be applied to the direction and control of the house of God. In my opinion there is but one word which is suitable for what has passed here to-night, and the word is persecution.

See what you can do for Vaca. He's pretty sick." "It shall be as the señor says. And the señor has made a fight?" "With those hombres? Not this journey! José Vaca made a mistake; that's all." Armigo, perturbed, shuffled to the house. Waring unsaddled the horses and turned them into the corral. As he lifted the saddle from Vaca's horse, he hesitated.

Great was the surprise of Silver the next morning, and many the questions she asked. Out in the world, they told her, it was so; trees like that were decked for children. 'Am I a child? said Silver, thoughtfully; 'what do you think, papa? 'What do you think? said Waring, turning the question.

But mebby when I put in my bill for board of said prisoner and feed for his hoss and one Mexican, mebby you'll quit talkin' so much, 'less you got friends where you can borrow money." "Your bill will be paid. Don't you worry about that. What I want to know is: Does Jim Waring leave town peaceful, or have I got to hang around here till he gets well enough to travel, and then show you?

Bentley, in mild reproof, laid his hand upon the t, shoulder of his old friend. "Ah, Asa," he protested, "you shouldn't say such things." "Had it not been for Mr. Bentley," Hodder explained, "I should not be here to-day." Asa Waring pierced the rector with his eye, appreciating the genuine feeling with which these words were spoken. And yet his look contained a question. "Mr.