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I would capture both, and the minute they were in the vial, the dead ant would come to life, and with equal vigor and fury both would rush about their prison, seeking to escape, becoming indistinguishable in the twinkling of an eye. Very rarely an ant stopped and attempted to clean another which had become partly disabled through an accumulation of gummy sap or other encumbering substance.

While we are patiently and faithfully keeping sheep in the wilderness, the messenger is journeying towards us with the vial of sacred oil, to make us kings. It was on a September morning. Draxy sat at the eastward bay-window of her sitting-room, reading to Reuby. The child seemed strangely restless, and slipped from her lap again and again, running to the window to look out.

The Evangelist then conveys him to the Moon itself, where he is shewn all the things that have been lost on earth, among which is the Reason of Orlando, who had been deprived of it for loving a Pagan beauty. Astolfo is favoured with a singular discourse by the Apostle, and is then presented with a vial containing the Reason of his great brother Paladin, which he conveys to earth.

While the two crews were yet circling in the waters, reaching out after the revolving line-tubs, oars, and other floating furniture, while aslope little Flask bobbed up and down like an empty vial, twitching his legs upwards to escape the dreaded jaws of sharks; and Stubb was lustily singing out for some one to ladle him up; and while the old man's line now parting admitted of his pulling into the creamy pool to rescue whom he could; in that wild simultaneousness of a thousand concreted perils, Ahab's yet unstricken boat seemed drawn up towards Heaven by invisible wires, as, arrow-like, shooting perpendicularly from the sea, the White Whale dashed his broad forehead against its bottom, and sent it, turning over and over, into the air; till it fell again gunwale downwards and Ahab and his men struggled out from under it, like seals from a sea-side cave.

Kennedy poured the sample into a second vial, and I noticed that it was turbid, too. With no mention of the tragedy to her employer, he excused himself, and we walked slowly back to the road. Between the two houses Kennedy paused, and for several moments appeared to be studying them. We walked slowly back along the road to the town.

I just had time to get upstairs an' make my plant before you came in. The rest was easy." "But the ashes?" I said. "Flicked out through a pigeonhole. That's what took practice, to make 'em fall just right. Also the cigar." "And the odor of tobacco?" He got a little vial out of his pocket, uncorked it, and again I caught the sweet and heavy odor of Peter Magnus' cigar.

Under my arm was a huge cylinder vial. It was black, the enlarging drug. I set it down. They stared at me in my bloodstained garments. "George! You're " "His blood, not mine." I tried to smile. "Here's the drug he carried. Evidently Polter was only sending him out because I found just the one drug." "What'll we do with it?" Alan demanded. "Look at the size of it!" "Destroy it," said Glora.

"I will fulfill it all!" interrupted the stranger: then, producing a small vial from the bosom of his doublet, he said, "Drink!" The old man seized the bottle, and speedily drained it to the dregs. He immediately fell back upon the seat, in a state of complete lethargy. But it lasted not for many minutes; and when he awoke again, he experienced new and extraordinary sensations.

"She is involved in my life already," he returned gravely; "and it is a tragedy. But I am not so wholly selfish as you assume. Honestly, Helen, it is for her sake as much, at least, as my own that I wanted that vial. It is all like a scene in The City of Dreadful Night. I cannot be sure that I may not have to kill myself for her happiness.

He ware but he bruk down afore he could finish. "'Twas five minits afore he could tell what had happened, th' old gal cussin' an' swearin' an' th' crowd a-hootin' an' jeerin', but finally th' skipper got some soldiers to carry th' old gal away. Thin out comes Garnett on th' main deck a-smellin' av his little vial, but avoidin' av th' skipper's eye.