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Noel Vanstone with two alternatives to choose from. I leave him to share Mr. Andrew Vanstone's fortune with Mr. Andrew Vanstone's daughters or to persist in his present refusal and face the consequences." She bowed, and walked to the door. Noel Vanstone started to his feet, with anger and alarm struggling which should express itself first in his blank white face.

As he came nearer, however, she started in astonishment; and, turning quickly to her mother and sister, proclaimed the gentleman in the garden to be no other than "Mr. Francis Clare." The visitor thus announced was the son of Mr. Vanstone's oldest associate and nearest neighbor. Mr.

The secret of the missing fragment of the Alpaca dress was known to no living creature but herself; and, until her return to England, she determined to keep it to herself. The necessary impression might be produced on Noel Vanstone's mind without venturing into details.

Vanstone to sign any document before she died had resulted in Norah and Magdalen being left absolutely penniless, and the estates passing to Michael Vanstone. "How am I to tell them?" exclaimed Miss Garth. "There is no need to tell them," said a voice behind her. "They know it already. Mr. Vanstone's daughters are 'nobody's children, and the law leaves them helpless at their uncle's mercy!"

Michael Vanstone's weakness seems to have been an insurmountable horror of contemplating the event of his own death. His son, his housekeeper, and his lawyer, had all three tried over and over again to get him to make a will; and had never shaken his obstinate resolution to put off performing the only business duty he was ever known to neglect.

My good fellow, I don't deny Miss Vanstone's virtues. I'll admit, if you like, she's the best woman that ever put on a petticoat. That is not the question " "Excuse me, admiral it is the question, if she is to be my wife." "Hear me out, George; look at it from my point of view, as well as your own. What did your cousin Noel do?

Francis Clare had more in him of the shadow of his ancestors than of the substance. When the astonishment caused by his appearance had partially subsided, a search was instituted for the missing report. It was found in the remotest recesses of Mr. Vanstone's capacious pocket, and was read by that gentleman on the spot.

At his intercession, and through his influence, Frank, Cecil, and Arthur were received on the foundation of a well-reputed grammar-school. In holiday-time they were mercifully allowed the run of Mr. Vanstone's paddock; and were humanized and refined by association, indoors, with Mrs. Vanstone and her daughters. On these occasions, Mr. "You and your wife are excellent people," he used to say to Mr.

Noel Vanstone's intentions toward the two young ladies were made known to them in the form of a letter from yourself." That plain answer had its effect. It warned Mrs. Lecount that the strange lady was better informed than she had at first suspected, and that it might hardly be wise, under the circumstances, to dismiss her unheard.

All I can discern is, that it will, to a dead certainty, turn one way or the other on the day when she passes Noel Vanstone's doors in disguise. Which way do my interests point now? Upon my honor, I don't know. Five o'clock. I have effected a masterly compromise; I have decided on turning myself into a Jack-o n-both-sides. By to-day's post I have dispatched to London an anonymous letter for M r.