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The lieutenant promptly appointed an Ilokano presidente, vice-presidente, secretary, and police force in Bontoc and also in Sagada, and when the soldiers left in a few weeks he gave seven guns to the "officials" in Bontoc and two to those in Sagada. A short time proved that those "officials" were untrustworthy men; many were insurrectos who had dropped behind Aguinaldo.

This was the first time that I had experienced a runaway elephant, but I soon found that both my steeds were equally untrustworthy. A few weeks after this event we had completed the morning's march and found the camp already prepared for our arrival, at a place called Kassli, which is a central depot for railway sleepers as they are received from the native contractors.

An it do seem a pity, too, since I have me new blue dress, for if ever I look lovely, I look lovely in blue." And she attacked the tea-leaves with a lagging broom. Mrs. Handsomebody, when dinner was over, fixed us with her cold grey eye, and said: "Since you have proved yourselves utterly untrustworthy, you shall be locked in your bedroom, during my absence this afternoon.

Adams and James Allen, who disagreed with Paine, issued pamphlets, and many writers aired their opinions under various assumed names. Andrew Henry came in regularly to market. His father had not regained his full strength, and his leg was rather untrustworthy in slippery weather.

Now brain-mind criticism of the modern type is the most untrustworthy thing, because it is based solely on circumstantial evidence; and when you work upon that, you ought to go very warily; it is always likely that half the circumstances remain un-discovered; and even if you have ninety and nine out of the hundred possible, the hundredth, if you had it, might well change the whole complexion of the case.

If Jesus had this consciousness, either He was ludicrously, tragically, blasphemously, utterly mistaken and untrustworthy, or He is what the Church in all ages has confessed Him to be, 'the Everlasting Son of the Father. III. Lastly, our Lord further sets before us the faith to which He invites us on the ground of His union with, and revelation of, God.

What his brother-in-law might think about it he did not care; if Kate should choose to wed the captain, such an eccentric and untrustworthy person should not be permitted to interfere with the destiny that now appeared to open before his daughter.

He was not, however, to compel anybody to do so, because I was of opinion that a coerced burgher would be of no real value to us, and would besides be untrustworthy. The following officers were to serve under Fourie: Andrias, Van Tonder and Kritzinger. The last-named had been appointed in the place of Commandant Olivier, who had been taken prisoner at Winburg.

They were expecting the last batch from him, were indeed desperately impatient for them. But he was a difficult fellow to deal with an exceedingly clever artist, but totally untrustworthy.

The description of his looks is taken from the statements of his descendants, and of the grandchildren of his contemporaries. The importance of maize to the western settler is shown by the fact that in our tongue it has now monopolized the title of corn. Putnam, p. 24, says it was after the battle of the Great Alamance, which took place May 16, 1771. An untrustworthy tradition says March.