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And remember this is no imaginary case. I am giving point by point the exact transactions of a real Petroleum Company. Everything I have told was done, only if possible with a more false and baseless impudence than I have described. And scores and scores of other Petroleum Companies have been organized in ways exactly as unprincipled.

The man he was trusting so implicitly would have instantly stood revealed as a scheming, unprincipled adventurer. In such estimation, at least, he must have been held by Mr. Markland, and his future actions would have been governed by that estimate. The answer to Fanny's earnest, almost peremptory demand, to be released from the injunction not to tell her parents of Mr.

I allow all this, I readily allow it, and acquiesce in the truth. For the unprincipled and covetous attach themselves to the court, the churchmen to their books, and the ambitious to the public offices, but as every man is under the influence of some darling passion, so the love of letters and the study of eloquence have from my infancy had for me peculiar charms of attraction.

I said, gentlemen, the worthless bribe of the island of Cyprus, and that is the truth. It is worthless for our purposes, worse than worthless for our purposes not worthless in itself; an island of resources, an island of natural capabilities, provided they are allowed to develop themselves in the course of circumstances, without violent and unprincipled methods of action.

The first great benefactor of Cobham's Library was Duke Humphrey of Gloucester, the youngest son of Henry IV., and perhaps the most 'pushful' youngest son in our royal annals. Though a dissipated and unprincipled fellow, he lives in history as 'the good Duke Humphrey, because he had the sense to patronize learning, collect manuscripts, and enrich Universities.

The sage said, 'If you, sir, were not covetous, the people would not steal, though you should pay them for it. Ke K'ang asked, 'What do you say about killing the unprincipled for the good of the principled? Confucius said, 'In carrying out your government, why use killing at all? Let the rulers desire what is good, and the people will be good.

It is all very well to talk about the facilis descensus Averni; but in all kinds of climbing, as Catalani said of singing, it is far more easy to get up than to come down. In the present instance I have no sympathy at least no pity for him who descends. He is that monstrum horrendum, an unprincipled man of genius.

"He does odd jobs for people. For one thing, he carries out all Dr. Wellesley's medicines for him. And he shows strangers round the place he knows all about the history and antiquities of the Castle, St. Hathelswide, and St. Laurence, and the Moot Hall, and so on. A hanger-on, and a sponge that's what he is, Mr. Brent. But clever as clever, sir, as he's unprincipled."

"And," cried the young wife indignantly, "the unprincipled man has not only made a declaration of love to another, but formally asked her hand." "That would seem like him," said the Emperor. "But we must not close our ears to the charge of the Nuremberg Honourable.

The "rustler" of the range made his appearance, bold, hardy, unprincipled; and the story of his undoing by the law is precisely that of the finish of the robbers of the mines by the Vigilantes. Now, too, came the days of transition, which have utterly changed all the West. The railroad sprang across this great middle country of the plains.