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Fortunately for Vera, Cissy Hazeldine, worldly, frivolous, pleasure-loving as she was, was, nevertheless, utterly devoid of the mean and petty spitefulness which goes far to disfigure many a better woman's character. She was not jealous of Vera; on the contrary, she was as unfeignedly proud of her as though she had created her.

The author's shaft was from a bow drawn at a venture; the minister's was carefully aimed. He set himself to win the young student in his congregation, and he lived to rejoice unfeignedly in his success. Let me introduce each of the four. The Father bore his Corner.

To imply that our faith was weak because we expressed ordinary human emotions and pitied him unfeignedly for the loss of his only child " "Good-bye, good-bye, my dear friends," answered the other. "I cannot say how I esteem your kindly offices in this affliction. May we meet again presently. God bless and keep you both."

I believe no other State in the Union has, in this respect, imitated the example of Virginia. I take the liberty to send you a few small tracts for your acceptance in token of my high respect for your character and services. Believe me, sir, unfeignedly, Your obedient servant, J. MORSE. December 26, 1806.

I’m not worrying about that. But I’d like to live to see Tammany a dead cock in the pit!" Gray forced a laugh; Vail laughed unfeignedly, and then, solemn again, said: "I’d like to live to see this country aspire to something really noble." "After all," said Gray, "there is really nothing to stifle aspiration."

Over this fact Ivan could unfeignedly rejoice; for already Russia, high and low, was discussing the merits and the probable future of this young man. But of the others, that group of men, the two women, who had sat at the door of his soul's sanctuary what of them?

When Brooke told his sister that he had met a woman whom he could love, she was unfeignedly glad, and never thought of inquiring whether the woman in question was rich, or well-connected, or moving in good society.

Bildy had been about six years in Ardmuirland, and had become a favorite with every one. The poor fellow was so unfeignedly pleased to receive any little notice from any one that all accosted him kindly, and no one in the district would have dreamed of causing him unhappiness. Doddy had grown into a sharp little lad of seven, and was no longer so dependent upon Bildy for companionship.

Port Saïd has undoubtedly improved, but still it is not a nice place, and we were unfeignedly glad to repair on board the Marie Valerie as soon as we noted the cessation of the black coaly cloud, through the murkiness of which a chattering stream of gnome-like figures passed their burthens of "Cardiff" into the bowels of the ship.

I unfeignedly dreaded the approach of that black hat and those triangular feet, for they made me giggle in spite of myself, and I knew a ship's rules far too well not to know how fearful would be the result of any public exhibition of disrespect. "What's the boat for?" asked Alister, who had been below. "And who would it be for," replied Dennis, "but the gentleman in the black hat?