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These qualities or habits, invariable and unchangeable, are, briefly: It has the unique power of drawing, "attracting" other objects at a distance. For all human uses it is instantaneous in action, through a conductor, at any distance. A current might be sent around the world while the clock ticked twice. It is readily convertible into heat in a wire or other conductor.

Mark was grateful to him, too, for diverting her attention from himself. He grew more and more silent as the long Black Forest clock by the shining porcelain stove ticked slowly on towards the hour. It was time to go, and he rose with a shiver. 'You will not be very long away, will you, dear? said Mabel, looking up from the orange she was peeling for the child.

The old time-piece overhead ticked soberly, and the soft face of Redbud's mother looked down from its frame upon them; and the room was full of cheerfulness and light. And still the old clock ticked and ticked, and carried all the world toward eternity; the fire-light crackled, and the voices laughed; the portrait looked serenely down, and smiled. Ralph stretched himself. Mr.

I always have been at least since I decided to lead this sort of life." "Why have you never married?" he asked her, a little abruptly. "We discussed that before, didn't we? I suppose because the right man has never asked me." "Perhaps," he ventured, "the right man isn't able to." "Perhaps there isn't any right man at all perhaps there never will be." The minutes ticked away.

There was a sighing of the wind about the windows, as if it sought admittance to reason and remonstrate with her. A cricket sang his monotonous song on the hearth. In the wainscot of the room a deathwatch ticked its doleful omen. The dog in the courtyard howled plaintively as the hour of midnight sounded upon the Convent bell, close by.

Why, if I had not your interests sincerely at heart, should I have ticked you off, as stated?" A sharp spasm shook him from base to apex. The beetle, which, during the recent exchanges, had been clinging to his head, hoping for the best, gave it up at this and resigned office. It shot off and was swallowed in the night. "Ah!" I said. "Your beetle," I explained.

But these are some of the possibilities news service supplied to subscribers at their homes, the important items to be ticked off on each private instrument automatically, "Marconigraphed" from the editorial rooms; the sending and receiving of messages from moving trains or any other kind of a conveyance; the direction of a submarine craft from a safe-distance point, or the control of a submarine torpedo.

On this piece of paper I have written a" he ticked off the points on his fingers: "what I believe to be the name of the man who cut out the cardboard and sealed it in an envelope; b: the name of the cabman; and, c: the name of the man who rang me up here last night and gave me information which had only just reached the Commissioner. I'll ask you to lock it away until it's wanted, doctor."

It seemed to him that whole minutes had passed, although in reality the old-fashioned clock at the end of the hall had ticked not more than thrice. He felt the color surging into his face, and at last sheer desperation loosened his tongue. "Is there anything I can do " he began. But at the very same moment Evelyn Walton's power of speech returned likewise, and

"He did not raise his voice, speaking still in the same conversational tone, suave and half amused. "'I hate you for two things, he said, and ticked them off on his fingers: 'the first is that you took the woman that I wanted. To a man of my temperament that is an unpardonable crime. I have never wanted women either as friends or as amusement.