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"He'll want more. She's an expensive luxury." "He can get more. Any time when he chooses to handle The Patriot so that it attracts instead of offends the big advertisers." "Why don't you put the screws on him now, Mr. Marrineal?" smirked Ives with thin-lipped malignancy. Marrineal frowned. His cold blood inclined him to be deliberate; the ophidian habit, slow-moving until ready to strike.

"And if I did the same," he questioned in a drawl that was unmistakably supercilious, "should I be a good man?" "I don't know what your capabilities are," she said. "I have vast capabilities for evil," he told her, with a cynical twist of his thin-lipped mouth. She met his look again. "I am sorry," she said. "Are you really? But why? Doesn't the devil attract you? Honestly now!"

In body he was a slight wisp of a fellow, scarcely above middle height, with a lean, astute countenance, prominent of nose and cheek-bones, and with lank, black hair that reached almost to his shoulders. His mouth was long, thin-lipped, and humorous. He was only just redeemed from ugliness by the splendour of a pair of ever-questing, luminous eyes, so dark as to be almost black.

The whole man was gathered into one great, useless, pitiful defiance, and the outer world was forgotten. The Squire kept up with difficulty awhile, a faint glimmer of sarcasm playing now and then round the straight thin-lipped mouth. Then suddenly he stopped. 'No, let it be. Forget me and my book, Elsmere. Everything can be got out of in this world.

'An exceeding fair forehead, to quote Sir Philip Sidney; eyes of which I have said enough; a nose more delicate than symmetrical; a mouth rather thin-lipped, but well curved; a chin rather small, I confess; but did any one ever from the most elaborated description acquire even an approximate idea of the face intended?

Al clerked in the National Cigar Company's store at Clark and Madison. His was the wisdom of the snake, the weasel, and the sphinx. A strangely silent young man, this Al, thin-lipped, smooth-cheeked, perfumed. Slim of waist, flat of hip, narrow of shoulder, his was the figure of the born fox-trotter. He walked lightly, on the balls of his feet, like an Indian, but without the Indian's dignity.

The high priest alone wore no such head-dress. He was an old man with close-set, cunning eyes and a cruel, thin-lipped mouth.

Yes; for now my lady turns, he turns too, and they halt front to front; his pallid visage half averted from her observation, his glittering eyes roving with bold stealth over the populous garden, and his thin-lipped, scarlet mouth working and twisting incessantly in the covert of his thick-set beard. My lady speaks with an impatience scarcely controlled.

It had a vividness and force for that old man of which his daughter who had not been shut out of the world could have no idea. She was to him the only living figure out of that past, and it was perhaps in perfect good faith that he added, coldly, inexpressive and thin-lipped: "I lived only for you, I may say. I suppose you understand that. There were only you and me."

A strange face, of a copper hue, with lank black hair hanging straight on both sides, a high nose, a wide, flat, thin-lipped mouth, and great, dark, soft eyes amidst many wrinkles.