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In time she would learn that her only income was the modest revenue from her own small estate; that he had taken all with him into darkness; and still she would not dare to tell the damaging fact to her friends.

"Oh, I am so sorry about the whole thing. I think it is perfectly dreadful," I said, "and and I do hope you are not really hurt." He showed me his wrist. His silk shirt-sleeve was wet with blood, and his arm also had streaks on it, and just under the skin were two or three small, black lumps. "I can't tell you how sorry I am," I said, and my voice trembled.

"No chickens here. Hold on, a second!" He stood, musing. Then he spoke. "I was going to play a lone hand, on this," he said, presently. "I didn't even dare let Rice in on it. He'd be dead-sure to tell that gabby girl he's going to marry. And it'd get all over the country in a week. And that'd lose me my job, if the boss heard of it. I was going to play it alone.

She said to me: "If the ladies ask who the Secondary wife is, you can tell them; but if they don't ask, I don't want you to introduce her to them at all. I have to be very careful. These people at the Palace here are not used to seeing so many people and they might not have nice manners, and the foreigners will laugh at them."

Down in Springfield, Lincoln was waiting, and when he got the news, he said, "There is a little woman down on Eighth Street who will be glad to hear this news," and he strode away to tell her. Douglas was in Washington when he heard the news, and remarked, "There will not be a tar barrel left in Illinois tonight."

And I am reminded of the Scotch sergeant's reply to his German captive, who asked his opinion about the duration of the war. "I'll tell you what it's the furrst five years that'll be the worst!" We seem in the bases to have slipped through them already, measuring by any of the ordinary ratios of work to time.

Potts is a very alert and capable woman," I said at last, having decided that this would be the most suitable thing to say. "I tell you she has powers," said Solon, in a tone almost of awe. "She will teach you to make something of yourself," I hazarded. "One minute she makes me want to fight, and the next I surrender," he answered pathetically.

It's only one o' them funny paragraphs ye kin read in a minit in the papers that takes YOU an hour to tell." To her surprise Dan'l only looked at his sister with complacency. "That," he said, "is jest what the New York publisher sez.

"You have sent Rachel a ring, a pearl ring; you didn't tell me, but I know. I have seen her kiss it. Why don't you wear it? I never thought till I had spoken; but then I knew in a minute, by her looking so red. She said she'd a reason for thinking it would not be quite right to wear it, said perhaps she would tell sometime.

I need not tell my readers that the bull should not be allowed to go with the breeding cows or heifers, as the almost universal practice now is to keep them separate. The advantages of this must be manifest to every one.