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I sat, with my head throbbing, and holding my hands, utterly tearless; for tears were no expression of the distressful pain, and blank disappointment of a life, that I felt. I said I felt this damp, dark suspicion.

'If he'd an enemy, said Harry, 'there'd be something to go on. Was there nobody, no one at all, that he'd had any row with nobody who hated him? Mrs. Haddon shook her head. 'Nobody, she said. 'But he declared the real thieves had done it, either to shift suspicion or to be rid of him.

I believe he doubted me; perhaps waiters are bred to suspicion by the things they see. "Ah!" said he, "then it does not interest you to know that a gentleman has been to see the young lady?" I took out ten francs. "Yes, it does," said I, handing him the money. "Who was it?" "The Duke of Saint-Maclou," he whispered mysteriously. "Is he gone?" I asked in some alarm. I had no wish to encounter him.

And further, we say that the mere suspicion that any such thing may be the mere surmise of any such fact the merest inkling which scientific men may get of a secret yet hidden beneath the veil, and waiting to be revealed is a sufficient justification of those tentative efforts of science which often result in the attainment of some grand discovery.

Not that he had any definite suspicion, or, it may be, even a remote idea, that she could be held responsible in the least degree for this man's sudden death. In truth, it seemed too wild a thought to connect, in reality, Miriam's persecutor of many past months and the vagabond of the preceding night, with the dead Capuchin of to-day.

As to the king, your father must apply to him; he is our uncle and has a right to ask the hand of Cyrus's daughter for his son." "But have you forgotten your father's dream? You know that Cambyses has always looked on me with suspicion since that time." "Oh, that has been long forgotten.

The affection of this woman became matter of suspicion, not indeed to the Laird, who was never hasty in suspecting evil, but to his wife, who had indifferent health and poor spirits.

They walked across the island by two and three, one party just keeping sight of the next ahead of them, and arrived without suspicion or interruption, conducted by Moggy Salisbury, Lazarus the Jew, and sixteen stout and desperate men, who had remained secreted in the Jew's house, ready to obey any order, however desperate the risk might be, of their employers.

Without any hope of assistance, and daunted day and night by an infuriated populate, she sent for me and gave me an order to the governor of Havre to release the princes immediately. I warned the leaders of the Fronde that her sincerity was not above suspicion, and that all depended upon her close imprisonment, and so set out along the northern road upon my mission.

"For instance, I got kind of a suspicion he doesn't believe in 'sentiment in business. But that's neither here nor there. What he wanted was, just plain and simple, for you to marry him. Well, I was afraid his thinkin' so much OF you had kind o' sickened you of him the way it does sometimes. But from the way you talk, I understand that ain't the trouble."