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I told her that if Frosty wanted to stay in the background, that was his privilege and my gain, and she smiled at me vaguely and said of course it didn't really matter. At supper-time our crowd got the storekeeper intimidated sufficiently to open his store and sell us something to eat.

"I guess that's right," he said. "Now there's Harr'et I've lived with Harr'et a good many year." Uncle William nodded. "She come from Digby way, didn't she?" "Northeast o' Digby. And some days I feel as if I wa'n't even acquainted with her." Uncle William chuckled. Andy glanced at the sun. "I must be gettin' home. It's supper-time." His gaze sought the ridge-pole.

After dinner they continued their labour, and by supper-time had so many trees cut down, that they determined to carry home the next day, and lay them along, to see how many more they would want. While they put the trees in the cart and took them home, Pablo contrived to lop off the boughs and prepare the poles for them to take away.

The letter was folded in haste, and the address quickly added; and the writer ran with all his might to the post-office, a short distance from the house. He had to hurry, for it was nearly supper-time. As he came tearing along into the court-yard at Rosemount, on his return, he started back; for there stood one of the men in uniform, with the deserted banner in his hand.

Like you and me, she loved philanthropy at other people's expense. She admired great reformers, though she herself never dreamed of putting a little finger to anybody's burden. It took so long to explain fully this great project that Albert staid until nearly supper-time, forgetting the burden of his sister's unhappy future in the interest of science and philanthropy.

Nothing else in the room was remarkable; the only interesting picture was an old coloured print of the town, date about 1820. Supper-time was approaching, but when Anderson, refreshed by the ordinary ablutions, descended the staircase, there were still a few minutes before the bell rang. He devoted them to examining the list of his fellow-lodgers.

I'll give him a few ears at supper-time." The slanting rays of the sun streamed from a saffron sky in the west and blazed in the red, yellow, and pink foliage on the mountain-side. The light brought into clearer outline the brown peaks and beetling crags that rose bleak and bare above the wealth of color, beyond the dark, evergreen stretches of pines and mountain cedars.

Also, you must remember that it might be dinner-time last night before I was missed." "Yes," he agreed, "that is very likely. On which bank of the river was the camp?" "This bank the left coming down." "Then we will hug the shore this afternoon, and no doubt we shall find it before supper-time." But in that anticipation he was mistaken.

As she put these bold views of the case, we heard voices outside, followed by a gentle knock at the door. Minna entered the room with a message. "Mamma has sent me, Mrs. Wagner, to ask at what time you would like to dine." "My dear, I am much obliged to your mother. I have only just breakfasted, and I can wait quite well till supper-time comes. Stop a minute!

We came in on the Gawthrops' yacht about supper-time and they persuaded me to stay, but somehow I felt that I ought to get home soon after. You children must not be left alone again." "I'll never try to kindle another fire," said Polly woefully. "Molly said I was putting on too much light stuff and it just leaped out like a tiger to bite me."