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"We had a very mellow night of it; and before four o'clock the senior major and four captains were under the table, and all the subs, in a state unprovided for by the articles of war. So I thought I'd be going, and wishing the sober ones a good-by, set out on my road to join my own party. "I had not gone above a hundred yards when I heard some one running after, and calling out my name.

And they hid it, without understanding that in so doing they had not suppressed the craving for the human form, but, on the contrary, had heightened it by imparting to it the additional fascination of a forbidden mystery. II, Subs. V, Subs.

"I will say I don't get many thrills out of this being cooped downstairs when there are subs all around." "Downstairs!" quoted Coggins scornfully. "Don't let the Captain hear you talking about the 'downstairs' of his ship, you landlubber, you!" "Well, I don't care what you call it! It's downstairs to me anyhow! And whatever you call it, I don't want to sleep there." "Bosh!" said Coggins.

"What's the need of rush?" demanded Peckham one of the subs. "It doesn't apply to you," Wolgast shot back over his shoulder, as he started on a run to the nearest shower. "I'm talking only to to-night's submarine squad." The six midshipmen found many an envious look shot in their direction.

It did! Light slowly dawned. "Then these were scanning our subs! But I still don't see why it would be any problem to find them. The subs must have equipment that will tell when sonar beams hit them." "They do. And that's a big part of the story." Steve sipped his coffee for a moment. "These sonar devices are a new type, and very cleverly designed. They don't send out a continuous beam.

"No need to tell you what this could mean to American security," he went on. "If enemy subs slipped through our continental defenses, their missiles could devastate the United States with scarcely an instant's warning! The whole country's been rocked by the announcement. An official comment by our Defense Department is expected at any moment." "Sufferin' satellites!" Bud gulped. Mr. Swift nodded.

Either Captain Williams or Spur must leave you, as Captain Wiley will command the party from Learned's. If there are three subs for each party exclusive of those from your own regiment, you can detain the whole of the subs of other brigades or not, as you like. Kearsley has not yet joined. The general will review all your letters in a day or two, and give them full answers.

"Well, how should you?" said The Infant. "You you're quite different, y' see, sir." The Infant expressed his ideas in his tone rather than his words, but Cleever understood the compliment. "We're only Subs," said Nevin, "and we aren't exactly the sort of men you'd meet much in your life, I s'pose." "That's true," said Cleever.

"Down near those buttes, where the big camp is bound to be, there's plenty of water, and before many days have passed Ragtown in all its glory will be erected right there. "These supplies that we're hauling now are charged to the account of Demarest, Spruce & Tillou," she further explained. "You see, they furnish their subs with everything they need.

After all, they couldn't do anything else, Paul, but let me out. I've been playing perfectly rotten lately." "But but what's the matter? You don't look stale, chum." "I feel stale, just the same," answered Neil far from untruthfully. "But maybe you'll get in for a while; you're down with the subs," said Paul hopefully. "Maybe I will.