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I hadn't managed to hire horses or a guide, and it was no easy matter to find one's own way in such stormy weather when the rivers were running in full flood. This was in the spring-time, round about the beginning of May. I was staying at the home of the local doctor, who had given me shelter and who was now trying to help me in every way he could.

In the months of April and May the world sent a skirmish-line into this echoless land to take possession of a belt of territory six hundred miles long and one hundred miles broad. The settlers came like locusts; they sang like larks. From Alsace and Lorraine, from the North Sea, from Russia, from the Alps, they came, and their faces shone as if they had happened upon the spring-time of the world.

Jays were as loud and busy as at the North in autumn; there were sparrows and wrens; and sometimes I noticed the shy and whimsical chewink. From this early spring-time onward, there seemed no great difference in atmospheric sensations, and only a succession of bloom. After two months one's notions of the season grew bewildered, just as very early rising bewilders the day.

Far over there to the east almost under the black shadow of the hills we see another slender thread of questionable green; cottonwoods again, no doubt, for nothing but cottonwoods or sage-brush or grease-wood worse yet will grow down in the alkaline wastes of this Wyoming valley; and that thread or fringe betokens the existence of a stream in the spring-time, one that the Sioux have ever called the Beaver, after the amphibious rodent who dammed its waters, and thereby rescued them from a like fate at the hands of modern residents.

Her bushy mane not smooth and silky like his love's beautiful hair tickled his cheek, but there was a perfume about her dry locks and about her whole person that reminded him of the perfume of the fields in spring-time, which he was so fond of ploughing.

She had heard him make similar remarks before, and they affected her the same as if he had said: "It is yet winter; don't be deceived into supposing that spring-time is coming." Ah! but under the snows of winter, what power can hinder the countless delicate roots of spring flowers from thrilling into life? But more was destined to burgeon into blossom than the flowers of spring.

There was nothing to record but the names of his mother's guests at dinner. . . . "There are few things so exhausting as the quiet of the country." From the Diary of Eric Lane. What hadst thou to do being born, Mother, when winds were at ease As a flower of the spring-time of corn, A flower of the foam of the seas?

She collapsed to the floor at sight of me, and then began to dance away in the opposite direction with stiff leaps, as a lamb does in spring-time. I saw she was in pain or trouble, needing a servant, and made haste to reach her; when she hid her face on both arms against the wall. "Go off!" she hissed. " S-s-s! Go off! I haven't anything on! Don't go off!

It was a lovely evening in the spring-time of the year; and in the soft stillness of the twilight, all nature was very calm and beautiful. The day had been fine and warm; but at the coming on of night, the air grew cool, and in the mellowing distance smoke was rising gently from the cottage chimneys.

But no other song comes to answer hers! One day a day in spring-time a turtle-dove settled on a tree hard by, and heard the maiden's song. 'Maiden, it said, 'thou art not the only mourner! A cruel hawk has snatched my mate from me! 'Turtle-dove, show me that cruel hawk; were it to soar higher than the clouds I would soon bring it down to earth!