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"My name is Grasset, sir, successor to Louchard, sheriff's officer " "What then?" "You are under arrest, sir. You must come with us to prison to Clichy. Please to get dressed. We have done the civil, as you see; I have brought no police, and there is a hackney cab below." "You are safely nabbed, you see," said one of the bailiffs; "and we look to you to be liberal."

"'That's all my eye, says he, seizing the garrone, while I mounted Naboclish, and rode him off deliberately." "Ha! ha! ha! That was neat, I grant you, Terry," said Lord Clonbrony. "But what a dolt of a born ignoramus must that sheriff's fellow have been, not to know Naboclish when he saw him!"

She would give him neither money nor food nor house-room; and so he was obliged to enlist himself as a sheriff's man. He was a shabby stooped little drunkard with a white face and a white moustache white eyebrows, pencilled above his little eyes, which were veined and raw; and all day long he sat in the bailiff's room, waiting to be put on a job. Mrs.

"Now give me a check for fifty dollars for my fees, five dollars for a surety company bond, and five dollars sheriff's fees, and I'll get out a replevin order on the strength of that affidavit in half an hour, and have a deputy around to the store at three o'clock to transfer the goods from Hymie to you." "Sixty dollars is pretty high for a little thing like that, ain't it, Max?" said Hymie.

They sent their respects to Madam LeMonde, who was too prostrated to see them at this time. When all were arrived it was decided to await the coming of the sheriff and posse when all would go to the spot where Viola was taken, and from that point scour the wilderness under the sheriff's lead.

Then from behind the friendly trees they sent back such a welcome that the Sheriff's men deemed it prudent not to tarry in their steps. Two of them, in sooth, bore back unpleasant wounds in their shoulders, from the encounter. When they returned to town the Sheriff waxed red with rage. "What," he gasped, "do my men fear to fight this Robin Hood, face to face?

"Very well all right. I'll attend to it," said the landlord, trying to recover himself, yet swallowing with every sentence. The man who was no other than a sheriff's deputy, and who gave him a sober, professional look, then went out with a firm step, and an air of importance. As he passed through the outer door, Slade retired from the bar-room.

Marechal appeared through the half-open door with a scared face, and silently handed Madame Desvarennes a card. She glanced at it, turned pale, and said to the secretary: "Very well, let him wait!" She threw the card on the table. Serge came forward and read: "Delbarre, sheriff's officer." Haggard-looking and aghast, he turned to the mistress, as if seeking an explanation.

Which means, that she did not care about being pawed and mauled by this wicked Old Satyr in his last Moments; though, with the curiosity natural to her Sex, I saw with my own eyes Madame Williamson, in a new Hoop and a grand silk Calash, and with half-a-dozen of her gossips, at a window of the House on Tower Hill hard by the Sheriff's and overlooking the Scaffold.

By heaven, the sheriff had stretched out his arm and picked up his gun again. He was not through fighting. "A bulldog spirit, you say? Yes! And what could I do? It was the sheriff's right to keep on fighting as long as he wished. And it was the right of Terence to shoot the man full of holes the minute his hand touched the revolver again. "I could only stand still.