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And now, as we walked, I learned some particulars of that terrible device the Lewis gun; how that it could spout bullets at the rate of six hundred per minute; how, by varying pressures of the trigger, it could be fired by single rounds or pour forth its entire magazine in a continuous, shattering volley and how it weighed no more than twenty-six pounds.

"The war wot's comin'!" he repeated, with a bitter sort of smile. "And all about Kruger's guns. So it is coming, is it, Johnny Bull; and you do know all about his guns, do you? If it is, and you do know, then a shattering big thing is coming, and you know quite a lot, Johnny Bull."

That brute that killed the lady's lap-dog?" PETER: "The very same!" MARGOT: "God help poor Wood!" Peter was so elated with this shattering escapade that a week after on the occasion of another row, in which I pointed out that he was the most selfish man in the world I heard him whistling under my bedroom window at midnight.

Was there nothing else but greed of money, hatred, want, and damnable persecution? A voice within cried aloud: "Why suffer it all? Why bear the brunt of other men's adventure?" Five thousand pounds. Was it a fair price for breaking one's body against rocks, for shattering one's soul against man unkind?

The microphone was shut off while the Solarite shot swiftly forward toward the source of the sound. Quickly the hills grew, the blue mistiness disappearing, and the jagged mounds revealing themselves as bleak harsh rock. As they drew nearer they saw beyond the hills, intermittent flashes of brilliant light, heard shattering blasts of sound. "A thunderstorm!" Wade began, but Arcot interrupted.

He was content to let his Arm speak for itself, but when one big gun in a sticky place fell out of alignment for an instant I saw his eyebrows contract. The artillery passed on with the same inhuman speed and silence as the Line; and the Cavalry's shattering trumpets closed it all.

Then she heard the whistling scream of Banker, quite lunatic by now, as he lost all sense of fear in his rising madness. "By heaven, but you don't git me, Louisiana! Nobody gits old Jim. They all die all but old Jim!" The shattering concussion of a shot fired within an inch or two of her ear almost stunned her. She felt the powder burning her cheek.

When not drinking he was barking with a harsh sound, and frequently started suddenly, watching, and catching at some imaginary object. 24th, A. M. He was more furious, yet weaker. The thirst was insatiable. He was otherwise diligently employed in shattering and tearing everything within his reach. He died about three o'clock. It is impossible to say what was the origin of this disease in him.

Next moment Simson flings the first bomb. It flies fairly into the middle of the crater. Half a dozen more go swirling after it. There is a shattering roar; a cloud of smoke; a muffled rush, of feet; silence; some groans. Almost simultaneously the German trenches are in an uproar.

The startling shattering of the net, which they believed they had drawn around Marsh, for once stunned Tierney into silence. When their hunger had been partly satisfied, Morgan reminded Marsh that they had not yet analysed the peculiar situation discovered in the Atwood apartment. "I hurried you fellows out so we could talk over that suitcase," Morgan explained.