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"Think they're after us, Jim?" asked Buck in a low voice. "I don't know, Buck," replied Dent. "But I wish we were ashore. This isn't a country to take any chances in." All three watched the dark, long shape behind them, and the Shan pulled with all his might. "It's after us." Jim Dent's low, fierce tones broke into the tense silence, and Buck gave a growl of anger.

"It is difficult to conjecture what more could be done in that direction," confessed Kai Lung gratefully. "Yet as regards a more material effort ?" suggested the maiden, amid a cloud of involving doubt. "If there is a subject in which the imagination of the Mandarin Shan Tien can be again enmeshed it might be yet accomplished," replied Kai Lung. "Have you a knowledge of any such deep concern?"

"I found what I believe to have been the papers. They were in the cabinet, just where she had told me. Then I turned around and found Prince Shan watching me. He had been there all the time." "Go on, please." "At first he said little, but I knew that he was very angry. I have never felt so ashamed in my life." "You must tell me the rest, please." She stirred uneasily in her chair.

Related by Kai Lung at Shan Tzu, on the occasion of his receiving a very unexpected reward.

"Humility directs my gaze," replied Ming-shu, with downcast eyes, and he plainly recognized that his presumption had been too maintained. "Truly," agreed Shan Tien, with smooth concurrence, "the line is not unknown to me. Who, however, was the one in question and under what provocation did he so behave?" "That is beyond the province of the saying," replied Ming-shu.

"Your refusal to marry, and the magnanimity with which you chose an ignominious death rather than break your resolutions, deserve the recognition of Huang, and the ten gods of the lower regions, impressed and pleased at your eminent virtue, have sent me to you. Fear nothing and follow me." Thus Miao Shan began her visit to all the infernal regions.

"First of all," Chalmers went on, after a moment's hesitation, "because Prince Shan, broad-minded though he seems to be and is on all the great questions of the world, still preserves something of what we should call the superstition of his country and order. I believe, in his own mind, he looks upon himself as being one of the few elect of the earth.

Fu Shan Lum Shan." He was a singular man was Sadler. He held the opinion that this life was an idea that occurred to somebody, who was tired of it and would like to get it off his mind. I took him for one that had got too much conscience, or too much restlessness, one of the two, and between them they gave him dyspepsia of the soul.

Miao Shan then spoke and tried to comfort them. She told them of all that she had experienced since the day when she had been executed, and how she had attained to immortal perfection.

And of course I'll speak to Prince Shan. We mustn't lose a minute about that. I'll telephone from my room in a few minutes, Naida. Nigel will look after you." Naida came down the hall, cool and exquisitely gowned in a creation of shimmering white. Nigel led her into the rarely used drawing-room and found a chair for her between the open window and the conservatory.