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Much to the bewilderment of the Bell Company, it soon learned that the troubles of wealth are as numerous as those of poverty. It was beset by a throng of promoters and stock-jobbers, who fell upon it and upon the public like a swarm of seventeen-year locusts. In three years, one hundred and twenty-five competing companies were started, in open defiance of the Bell patents.

For no apparent reason, Rudolph Musgrave flushed. "I inspected it quite casually last night. Please don't be absurd, Agatha! If we were threatened with any other direful visitation influenza, say, or the seventeen-year locust, I should naturally read up on the subject in order to know what to expect.

He was like a miser with a loaf; no crumb, however tiny, got away from him. To him there was more of absorbing interest in the appearance of the seventeen-year locust in Chittenden County than in a Balkan outbreak; less of interest in the failing state of health of the Czar than in the prospects for the hay crop in the Otter Creek valley.

So almost without fault was he that few mothers objected to his companionship with their daughters. Yes, here was to be the flaw! he was soon to find that it was easy for him to have his way with a maid, a dangerous knowledge for a seventeen-year- old boy who had already reached higher social levels than his own home had known, who was much quicker of wit than his almost worshipful father.

While this discussion had been in progress the viands had not been neglected except by such members of the company as had been bereft of appetite by loftier emotionsin consequence of which the table appeared to have sustained a visitation of seventeen-year locusts.

The two old gentlemen complacently let this wave of youthful life swirl by them. Both smiled a little. "Do you see, Professor, yonder is instantly obvious beauty, too, really beauty-in-itself," resumed the count, pointing to a bed full of fat dark-red "Sultan of Zanzibar" roses, beside which his seventeen-year- old daughter Billy was standing.

I know a fellow that was sick and had to cache the chocolate and things his folks sent him from the East under the mattress when he saw her coming and he always locked the fruit in his trunk after she had cleaned him out a dozen times as though a flock of seventeen-year locusts had swarmed down upon him. She's as regular as a boarder at Andy P. Symes's when meal-time rolls around.

I like to see a crowd of boys swarm over a chestnut-grove; they leave a desert behind them like the seventeen-year locusts. To climb a tree and shake it, to club it, to strip it of its fruit, and pass to the next, is the sport of a brief time.

"Good luck!" cried Cash Dallam from his porch, and several in the crowd caught up the cry.. Juan uttered a series of extraordinary whoops, and working his legs like the long limbs of a seventeen-year locust, he dashed to the head of the procession. The next minute they were off, the pack burros trotting behind in a sedate line. But just as they started an odd thing happened.

The Seventeen-year locust ranges from South-eastern and Western Massachusetts to Louisiana. Of its distribution west of the Mississippi Valley, we have no accurate knowledge. In Southern Massachusetts, they appear in oak forests about the middle of June.