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So far I'm not afraid but there, senselessness is coming, and then it's all up!" he waved his hand feebly. "Well, what had I to say to you? I loved you! There was no sense in that even before, and less than ever now. Love is a form, and my own form is already breaking up. Better say how lovely you are! And now here you stand, so beautiful " Anna Sergyevna gave an involuntary shudder.

'How can you have had time to understand me so soon? In the first place, I am impatient and obstinate you should ask Katya; and secondly, I am very easily carried away. Bazarov looked at Anna Sergyevna. 'Perhaps; you must know best. And so you are inclined for a discussion by all means.

Anna Sergyevna went very rarely to the town, generally only on business, and even then she did not stay long.

"Yevgeny Vassilyitch is still living? You are his father? I have a doctor with me." "Benefactress!" cried Vassily Ivanovitch; and snatching her hand, he prest it convulsively to his lips; while the doctor brought by Anna Sergyevna, a little man in spectacles, of German physiognomy, stept very deliberately out of the carriage. "Still living, my Yevgeny is still living, and now he will be saved!

But, do you know, Yevgeny Vassilyitch, that I could understand you; I have been poor myself, and ambitious, like you; I have been perhaps through the same trials as you. 'That is all very well, Anna Sergyevna, but you must pardon me for ... I am not in the habit of talking freely about myself at any time as a rule, and between you and me there is such a gulf ... 'What sort of gulf?

"This is royally done. Monarchs, they say, visit the dying too." "Yevgeny Vassilyitch, I hope " "Ah, Anna Sergyevna, let us speak the truth. It's all over with me. I'm under the wheel. So it turns out that it was useless to think of the future. Death's an old joke, but it comes fresh to every one.

"The doctor from Anna Sergyevna Odintsov," he said, bending down quite to his son's ear, "and she herself is here." Bazarov suddenly opened his eyes. "What did you say?" "I say that Anna Sergyevna is here; and has brought this gentleman, a doctor, to you." Bazarov moved his eyes about him. "She is here? I want to see her."

"Ah," he said, "poor little one, you were pleading for your father; I will not abandon you, little bird." Directly Malanya Sergyevna entered Anna Pavlovna's bedroom, she fell on her knees near the door. Anna Pavlovna beckoned her to come to her bedside, embraced her, and blessed her son; then turning a face contorted by cruel suffering to her husband she made an effort to speak.

Bazarov said all this with an air, as though he were all the while thinking to himself, 'Believe me or not, as you like, it's all one to me! He slowly passed his fingers over his whiskers, while his eyes strayed about the room. 'And you conclude, observed Anna Sergyevna, 'that when society is reformed, there will be no stupid nor wicked people?

Anna Sergyevna was walking along it escorted by Bazarov. Katya and Arkady could not see them, but they heard every word, the rustle of their clothes, their very breathing. They walked on a few steps, and, as though on purpose, stood still just opposite the temple.