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It suddenly came to me that in reading it I had not once thought of Scott as the maker; it had never occurred to me that he had created the people in whose fortunes I had been so intensely absorbed; and I never once had felt how clever the novelist was in the naturally dramatic dialogues of the characters.

The armistice was to continue pending negotiations or until the commander of either army should give notice to the other of its cessation; and forty-eight hours after such notice General Worth, on the night of the 21st, moved his division to Tacubaya, where he was preceded by General Scott, and established his headquarters in the Bishop's Palace.

"The only thing I had against Frederick Douglass was that he married a white woman. I never heard Douglass speak. "I knew some others too. I think Paul Lawrence Dunbar was a fine young man. I heard him recite his poems. He visited with us right here several times. "I knew Charles Cottrell, too. He was an engraver. There was a young fellow who went to Scott High.

Sometimes he shouted to Scott, and thought Scott called to him, as a wedge of stone suddenly split the rushing foam, and sometimes when the current boiled in fierce rebound from a hidden obstacle. The canoe plunged until the water stood up above her bows, and now and then leaped out half her length.

One or two points equally important amused the reviewer, who, like most of his class, detected the hand of Scott. There was hardly a possibility, as Mr. Morritt told Sir Walter, "that the poems in "Waverley" could fail to suggest their author. No man who ever heard you tell a story over a table but must recognize you at once." To his praise of "Waverley" Mr.

Single cattle tracks here converged and a herd track led on northward. As he stared at it, the bull came thundering down the trail. Doug put the Moose after him but had not followed him for five minutes when Scott broke into the chase from the right. "What do you think you've done, blank you?" he shouted. "What have you done with the rest of the herd?" "Done with the herd?" roared Douglas.

I was afraid that I was being followed by a German scout. I could have disposed of him, but it would not have saved me from his comrades." "Comrades!" exclaimed John, as he shook his hand. "Why, are Germans about?" "I think they are. At least, I've come out here to see. You'll forgive my jest, Mr. Scott, in writing my name under that of your party on the register, won't you?

Mankind reverence those who have got over fear , which is so general a weakness. SCOTT. 'But is not courage mechanical, and to be acquired? JOHNSON. 'Why yes, Sir, in a collective sense.

It was not for two hours that Captain Scott and Louis Belgrave found another opportunity to consider the alleged mistake, as the former regarded it; for the latter belonged to the port watch, and served with Morris. But when the Maud had made twenty miles more, they were together again, with Felix on the lookout; for he was one of the triumvirate on board in charge of the secret.

Marriott, of Rokeby; with Mr. Surtees, the beauty of whose forged ballads almost makes us forgive him for having palmed them off as genuine; and with Walter Scott, then chiefly known as "the compiler of the 'Border Minstrelsy," but who a few years later immortalized his friendship for Richard Heber by the sixth of his introductions to "Marmion," the best known, as it contains the description of the Christmas of the olden time.