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"It is Pertaub," he said, a moment later, and in a minute they were beside the Hindoo. "I could not sleep, thinking of you, Sahib," the latter said, as they came up. "So I came across here, partly to help you dig up the caskets, and partly that I might see you, and assure myself that, so far, all had gone well." "Thank you, Pertaub. You have, I see, brought a pickaxe.

He represented to the officers of the post that if Trichinopoly, now besieged by Chunda Sahib and his French allies, should surrender, Mohammed Ali would perish, and French influence would become supreme. As the distance of Trichinopoly from Fort St.

None of 'em have ever let me finish it. It gets just awful at the end part." "But why in the world didn't you explain to Mr. Prout, instead of leaving him under the impression ?" "Padre Sahib," said McTurk, "it isn't the least good explainin' to Mr. Prout. If he hasn't one impression, he's bound to have another." "He'd do it with the best o' motives. He's in loco parentis," purred Stalky.

I am informed that his lordship has already given you some details of the rebellion, but as I am not aware of the extent to which he has given them I shall probably repeat some of them." "The party will be glad to have them repeated," added Lord Tremlyn. "I told them who and what Nana Sahib was."

They all followed the example of the viscount, and addressed him as "Sahib Dinshaw," the title being equivalent to "Lord," or "Master," applied by the natives to their employers, and to the English generally. All of them gazed at him with intense interest, not unmingled with admiration. The hero of the occasion spoke English as fluently as his father. "How old are you, Sahib Dinshaw?" asked Mrs.

"It is done, sahib," said the leader of the guard, and one man hurried off to execute the order. Ten minutes later they were ten impatient minutes, during which the horses sensed the fever of anxiety and could be hardly made to stand Ali Partab stood arrayed in clean, new khaki that fitted him reasonably well. "A sword, now!" demanded Alwa. "Thy sword! This man had a sword when he was taken!

"Do the orders of the Presence for the early start hold good?" asked the Granthi officer significantly. "Why not? What in the world is that noise?" "It is the wailing of the women in the Rajah's camp, sahib. His Highness was found dead by his attendants in the night." "What! murdered?" "They say there are no marks of violence, sahib.

They will prove at least that I have not boasted." For an instant the two men watched each other in momentous silence, as two wrestlers each seeking to measure the other's strength. Then Nehal Singh raised his hand in dismissal. "It is well, Englishman. If you have not indeed boasted, we shall meet again." "We shall meet again, Rajah Sahib." Nicholson swung round on his heel.

The Crimson drawing-room and the Octagon-room were dismantled. The plate-rooms were considered fireproof, but the Jewelled Armoury was emptied of its treasures, among them the famous peacock of Tippoo Sahib. More than five hours passed before the danger was over.

We'll get two bullock-carts down there, and we'll stick him in one of them, with Sidiki the interpreter tied to him. Sidiki won't like it, but he's only a Beluchi anyway! You get in the other, and get all the sleep you can. You and I'll take turns sleeping all the way to Jailpore, so's to be fresh, both of us, and fit for anything by the time that we get there!" "I am ready, sahib."