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"Why? The magistrates would have given it back. It's ruination for us without the gun, and that you might have remembered. Better step over and ask 'em for it to-morrow." "Must I?" asked the girl slowly. "'Course you'll have to," said her grandparent. "I can't walk the distance, and that you know.

You and her would blow yourselves to the dogs in two months. Cigar-stores ain't the place for you, Jimmie. You seen how only clerking in them was nearly your ruination the little gambling-room-in-the-back kind that you pick out. They ain't cigar-stores; they're only false faces for gambling." "You know it all, don't you?" "Oh, I'm dealing it to you straight!

Austin, the victim of an unhappy love in his youth, and unhappy about her, as her father had said. Seymour Austin was not one to spread the contagion of intrigue! She felt herself caught by it, even melting to feel enamoured of herself in consequence, though not loving Beauchamp the more. 'This newspaper, if it's not merely an airy project, will be ruination, said Tuckham.

Out from the front of his host's throat, to the ruination of such scant good looks as he had, protruded an Adam's apple that was as large and tanned and tough-looking as his nose. On that brown prominence a number of long pale hairs had their roots. These traveled now high, now low, as the one-eyed man drank deep of the ice water.

Of course, after that my own health would give way, and the hopes of a dear little well, that is to say, ruination and widespread misery would be the result of your unnatural and useless obstinacy." "To save you all from that," said Nicholas, "of course I must give in." And Nicholas did give in, and the result was not half so disastrous as he had feared.

He sold him to a speculator for a big price, and it has set everybody wild. If the people who give all their time to it can't raise fast horses I don't see how the farmers can. A fast horse on a farm is ruination to the boys, for it starts them racing and betting. Father says he is going to offer a prize for the fastest walker that can be bred in New Hampshire.

I've most remarkable good 'uns at the store, that'll cut right slick up to the Cedars in no time if tacked on to the sled. You ain't disposed to buy 'em, are you? Wal, as you be hard fixed, I don't care if I lend 'em for a trifle. Quarter dollar, say. That's dog-cheap it's a rael ruination. Take it out in potash or maple sugar next spring eh? Is it five cents cash you named, Mister Holt?

Unfortunately for us, the damned English and their hangers-on control the cables of the world, and hence all the markets, and I don't suppose, to take the case of copper, that a single pound of it is mined from the Rio Tinto without the British Board of Trade knowing all about it. The neutral firms simply dare not risk getting put on to the British Black List; it means ruination for them.

"But let us not waste words; order, method, and clarity! Above all let us write practically. Lack of practical character is our ruination." Finally he came to the Popess Juana, that imposing señora, whom Pablo Valls had only seen at a distance, as he seemed to her the personification of all the revolutionary impieties and of all the sins of his race. "There is no hope for you in that direction."

"Ah, these females!... The devil always follows after petticoats like a lap-dog.... They are the ruination of our life." And the wrathful chastity of the cook continued hurling against womankind insults and curses equal to those of the first fathers of the church. One morning the men washing down the deck sent a cry passing from stem to stern, "The captain!"