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My four room-mates poured into the room, accompanied by two others; very busy and eager about their affairs that they were discussing. Meanwhile they all began to put themselves in order. "The bell will ring for tea directly," said Miss Macy, addressing herself to me; "are you ready?" "'Tisn't much trouble to fix her hair," said my friend with the black eyes.

The first few days at Kingston were so busily filled with entrance examinations and selection of rooms and the harder selection of room-mates and other furniture that the Dozen saw little of each other, except as they crunched by along the gravel walks of the campus or met for a hasty meal in the dining-hall. This dining-hall, by the way, was managed by an estimable widow named Mrs.

Even the two room-mates had felt some slight offense, since they sensed the superiority of her, though vaguely. Now, they found a smug satisfaction in the fact of her disaster as emphasizing very pleasurably their own continuance in respectability. As many a philosopher has observed, we secretly enjoy the misfortunes of others, particularly of our friends, since they are closest to us.

How dare you!" Then with a whirl she was across the room, out of the door and up the stairs to Study 10, which she entered like a cyclone and rushed across into her bedroom, slamming and locking the door. What mental processes took place behind that locked door her astonished room-mates, who had been eagerly awaiting her return, could not even guess, and dared not venture to inquire.

My four room-mates poured into the room, accompanied by one or two others; very busy and eager about their affairs that they were discussing. Meanwhile they all began to put themselves in order. "The bell will ring for tea directly," said Miss Macy, addressing herself to me, "are you ready?" "Tisn't much trouble to fix her hair " said my friend with the black eyes.

Let Christian students set out to win some trophies among their friends and room-mates for Christ. The results of faithful personal work may not be immediate or apparent, but the blessed Spirit of God will water the seed. For thirteen months a college student prayed for and urged a fellow-student to surrender to Christ, and died without seeing any result of his efforts.

Boyne and I are friends already ever since we found ourselves room-mates," and but for us, as Lottie afterwards noted, they might never have known Boyne was rooming with him, and could easily have made all sorts of insulting remarks about Mr. Breckon in their ignorance. The possibility seemed to delight Mr.

The effect was so altogether charming that her room-mates called a general halt for admiration. "You look like a mixture of Dolly Varden and Sweet Lavender, with a dash of Maid Marian thrown in," decided Verity. "I hope my hair'll keep in curl! There's rather a damp feeling in the air," fluttered Fil anxiously.

She acknowledged that this was true; it was she who used to get up in the middle of the night, and open the dormitory door, which her more timid room-mates locked most carefully from within every night, before going to bed a fact which greatly increased their terror when, despite their precautions, the ghosts still got in.

The greater part of the girls were in the middle and lower school, but there were a few members of the Sixth, who sat next to Mrs. Best, the matron, and Nurse Warner, and looked with superior eyes on the crowd of intermediates and juniors. To have secured such congenial room-mates was an asset for which she could not be sufficiently thankful.