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And, indeed, as when a third person comes suddenly upon two who are talking of him, the two generally evince in their manner some consciousness of the fact; so it was in this case, with Redclyffe at least, although the priest seemed perfectly undisturbed, either through practice of concealment, or because he had nothing to conceal.

She hoped that now poor Philip, who had acted hastily on his romance, and ruined his own prospects for her sake in his boyish days, had a chance of having it all made up to him, and reigning at Redclyffe according to her darling wish. As she anxiously watched the arrival of the train, she recognized Mr.

Philip fully agreed, and held out home hopes of following as soon as the session, was over, and he had been to Redclyffe about some business that had been deferred too long. And now it appeared that Mr. Edmonstone had a great desire to take his wife, and she herself said, that under any other circumstances she should have been very desirous of going.

Accordingly, the preparations for this stately banquet went on with great spirit; and the Warden exhorted Redclyffe to be thinking of some good topics for his international speech; but the young man laughed it off, and told his friend that he thought the inspiration of the moment, aided by the good old wine which the Warden had told him of, as among the treasures of the Hospital, would perhaps serve him better than any elaborate preparation.

'I have had my wish, I have seen Redclyffe; then, seeing her look startled, 'Of course, it was a sort of wandering; but I never quite lost the consciousness of being here, and it was very delightful. I saw the waves, each touched with light, the foam the sea-birds, floating in shade and light, the trees the Shag the sky oh! such a glory as I never knew themselves but so intensely glorious!

To the Warden's inquiries after Redclyffe, Lord Braithwaite replied that his guest had that morning left the house, being called to London by letters from America; but of what nature Lord Braithwaite was unable to say, except that they seemed to be of urgency and importance.

He bowed and took his leave, without shaking hands, as an American would have thought it natural to do, after such a hospitable agreement; nor did Redclyffe make any motion towards it, and was glad that his Lordship had omitted it.

The inhabitants of Redclyffe were a primitive race, almost all related to each other, rough and ignorant, and with a very strong feudal feeling for 'Sir Guy, who was king, state, supreme authority, in their eyes; and Mrs. Ashford further found that 'Master Morville, as the old women called him in his individual character, was regarded by them with great personal affection.

'Ah! you did not see him at Redclyffe, or you would do more than simply forgiving him as a Christian. 'I am very sorry for him. 'That is not quite enough, said Charles, smiling, with a mischievous air, though fully in earnest. 'Is it, Charlotte? She must take him home to her mamma's own heart. 'No, no, that is asking too much, Charlie, said Mrs. Edmonstone.

'Certainly not, said Philip, marvelling at what was coming. 'Guy says he does not want to keep up the feud, and I wish you would not. 'What do you mean? 'The deadly feud! said Charlotte. 'What nonsense is this? said Philip. 'Surely Oh Philip, there always was a deadly feud between our ancestors, and the Redclyffe Morvilles, and it was very wrong, and ought not to be kept up now.