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Though I am in truth a Turk, and those who serve and rob me here are Turks, yet the fellah is the same as he was five thousand years ago. What Joseph the Israelite did, thou canst do; for I am no more unjust than was that Rameses whom Joseph served. Wilt thou stay with me?"

Below at his right stood Rameses, the kingliest presence that ever graced a royal sitting. At the left of Meneptah, was Har-hat, complacent and serene. Out in the center of a generous space stood Moses. The great Hebrew was alone and isolated, but his personality was such that a throng could not have obscured him.

All the monuments of the Pharaohs are wonders, especially such as appear in the ruins of Karnak, a temple formerly designated as that of Jupiter Ammon. It was in the time of Sesostris, or Rameses the Great, the first of the Pharaohs of the nineteenth dynasty, that architecture in Egypt reached its greatest development.

And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded. And Joseph nourished his father, and his brethren, and all his father's household, with bread, according to their families. GENESIS xlvii. 1-12.

Rameses and Nebuchadnezzar, Croesus the Lydian and Cyrus the Persian, ruled over great empires; but within their dominions there were no politics because there were no public affairs. There were only the private affairs of the sovereign and his ruling class.

Rameses looked round in anxious surprise, for at the moment when the horses had started, he too had felt an agitating thrill he thought he had caught sight of his preserver at Kadesh. Had the sight of a God struck terror into the horses? Was he the victim of a delusion? or was his preserver a man of flesh and blood, who had come home from the battle-field among the wounded!

But on the threshold of the door, Ameni, in full pontifical robes, stood before her in the way, his crozier extended as though to forbid her entrance. "The advent of the daughter of Rameses in her purity," he cried in loud and passionate tones, "augurs blessing to this sanctuary; but this abode of the Gods closes its portals on the unclean, be they slaves or princes.

"Now you are one of my own children," said Rameses; and he desired the poet to remain with him while he commanded the heralds, ambassadors, and interpreters to bring to him the Asiatic princes, who were detained in their own tents on the farther side of the Nile, that he might conclude with them such a treaty of peace as might continue valid for generations to come.

But thy very faltering names thee and me. What is the boon that thou mayest justly ask of me?" "My father ." "Hold! There, too, I make a restriction. Already have I suffered thy father sufficiently." Tears leaped into her insulted eyes, and in the bright light, shining from a lamp above her head, her emotion was very apparent. "Thou hast begun well in thy siege of my heart, Rameses," she said.

And I have but to hint and ruin thee beyond the restoring power of the marriages of a thousand daughters!" Har-hat's forte had been polished insult, but when the evil in him would have expressed itself in its own brutal manner he was helpless. "Hotep Hotep " he snarled. The name was potent. Again she recoiled. "I shall yield him up to Rameses," he went on.