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The result was that I was more astonished than anyone else. I went to the piano and played the most intricate ragtime piece I knew. Before there was time for anybody to express an opinion on what I had done, a big bespectacled, bushy-headed man rushed over, and, shoving me out of the chair, exclaimed: "Get up! Get up!"

'Coons'd be all right but they're liable f'r to hand ye ye'er food in ragtime, an' if ye ordher pork-chops f'r dinner an' th' hall is long,'tis little ye'll have to eat whin th' platter's set down, I says. 'No, says I, 'they'se no naytionality now livin' in this counthry that're nathral bor-rn servants, I says. 'If ye want to save throuble, I says, 'ye'll import ye'er help.

All painting had ceased, for work consumes energy, and energy consumes food. Caradoc Smith found peculiar and private grievance in the fact that Greer often whistled to himself in a windy undertone. The tune Farnol chose for these unfortunate performances was an American ragtime, that repeated the same strain over and over. Caradoc strove not to listen to this dry whistling.

Some lilting ragtime ditty that's rollicking and gay will gain the public favor and hold it for a day. But when the day is ended, and we are tired and worn, and more than half persuaded that man was made to mourn, how soothing then the music our fathers used to know! The songs of sense and feeling, the songs of long ago!

Costello finally, "she says you don't give it to her thumpin' enough; she wants ragtime or she can't work." "I will do my best," said the old man simply. "I try hard to please her; indeed I do!" "I know you do, I know you do, profess'! But, say, you can't do anything with them guys! You know I like you, you've got such damned elegant manners the gentleman all over.

MAURY: Shut up, you saphead. There is a connection. DICK: What is it then? I seem to have forgotten exactly. Something about the bees eating the clover. FOURTH YOUNG MAN: And the clover eating the mice! Haw! Haw! They're going to take the picture, I guess. No, that's afterward. OTIS: Cable, you take the ragtime bridesmaid. FOURTH YOUNG MAN: I wish to God I'd sent that present.

Then Miss Drayton called in an offhand way: "Pat, oh, Pat! There's a child in the sitting-room that wants to see you." "Who is he?" His aunt did not seem to hear. Anyway, she did not answer. Pat, whistling ragtime, sauntered into the sitting-room. Anne flew into his arms. "Why, what " and then he realized that it was Anne. Anne!

Some lilting ragtime ditty that's rollicking and gay will gain the public favor and hold it for a day. But when the day is ended, and we are tired and worn, and more than half persuaded that man was made to mourn, how soothing then the music our fathers used to know! The songs of sense and feeling, the songs of long ago!

Then he lifted himself heavily from the seat. Something nuzzled his shoulder while he stood listening to the diminishing tumult of the pursuit; and even before he turned he knew what it was. He paused a moment to stroke the soft nose of the black horse standing there with reins a-trail. It was Ragtime, wet with lather and caked with dust.

It made its way to Chicago, where it was popular some time before it reached New York. These players often improvised crude and, at times, vulgar words to fit the melodies. This was the beginning of the ragtime song. Several of these improvisations were taken down by white men, the words slightly altered, and published under the names of the arrangers.