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I well remember the morning when I stood before the propylon, or chief entrance of Karnak. The silver stars were still shining in the cold blue heaven, that afforded a beautiful relief to the mighty structure, built of a light yellow stone, and quite unstained by the winds of three thousand years. The front of this colossal entrance is very much broader than the front of our cathedral of St.

Any change made in it, however slight, could only be harmful to it. Pure and perfect is its design broad propylon, great open courtyard with pillared galleries, halls, chambers, sanctuary. Its dignity and its sobriety are matchless.

Paul, and its height exceeds that of the Trajan column. It is entirely without sculpture a rare omission, and doubtless intended that the unity of effect should not be broken. The great door in the centre is sixty-four feet in height. Through this you pass into colonnaded courts, which in any other place would command undivided attention, until you at length arrive in front of a second propylon.

The mind makes a leap amid their vastness, their variety, and their number. New combinations rise upon our limited invention and contract the taste, the pyramid, the propylon, the colossus, the catacomb, the obelisk, the sphinx. Take the map; trace the windings of the mysterious stream, whose source baffles even this age of enterprise, and which remains unknown even when the Niger is discovered.

It is from the Pharaohs, however, that you must seek for the vast and the gigantic: the pyramid, the propylon, the colossus, the catacomb, the obelisk, and the sphinx. It was in the early part of the year of the invasion of Syria by the Egyptians, some eight years gone, that I first visited Thebes.

I well remember the morning I stood before the propylon, or chief entrance of Karnak. The silver stars were still shining in the cold blue heaven, that afforded a beautiful relief to the mighty structure, built of a light yellow stone, and quite unstained by the winds of three thousand years. The front of this colossal entrance is very much broader than the front of our cathedral of St.

From the edge of the mound where stands the native village the effect of the temple is much less decorative, but its detailed grandeur can be better grasped from there; for from there one sees the great towers of the propylon, two rows of mighty columns, the red granite Obelisk of Rameses the great, and the black granite statues of the king.

Two bronze medals of him were struck; and the following inscription was placed on the base of the pyramid by order of the pope: " Dominicvs Fontana, Ex. Pago. Agri. Novocomensis. Transtvlit. Et. Erexit. In 1833, the French removed the smallest of the two obelisks which stood before the propylon of the temple of Luxor to Paris, and elevated it in the Place de la Concorde.

Galbraith had had the railing and the gate lined to the very spikes with boards: the first day of his abode he had discovered that the passers-by not to say those who stood to stare admiringly at the flowers, came much too near his faded but none the less conscious dignity. He had also put a lock on the gate, and so made of the garden a sort of propylon to the house.

These extracts from the Raymond Journal, if they be genuine, as in most respects I believe they must be, will furnish a clew, otherwise wanting, to the distinct turn which the boy's mind took toward authorship after his return to Salem, and on passing the propylon of classical culture.