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It was with great satisfaction, therefore, that the public learned in September that President Wilson had requested the recall of Ambassador Dumba in the following words: "By reason of the admitted purpose and intent of Ambassador Dumba to conspire to cripple legitimate industries of the people of the United States and to interrupt their legitimate trade, and by reason of the flagrant diplomatic impropriety in employing an American citizen protected by an American passport, as a secret bearer of official despatches through the lines of the enemy of Austria-Hungary.... Mr.

"Then am I lost," said I, throwing myself upon a chair; at the same instant my passport, which I carried in my breast pocket, fell out at the feet of the courier. He lifted it and opened it leisurely.

Your colour discovered you would find your sex but a trifling protection. I'd go, but it would be certain death to me: my black face would quickly obtain for me a passport to another world if I were discovered in the street just now." "I'll go," calmly spoke Mr. Ellis. "I can't rest here and think of what they are exposed to.

He stopped here and there, selecting several of our number, chiefly the old or the wounded, and ordered them to step out of the ranks. His commands were usually couched in abusive language. A young man near me called out, 'I am an American. Here is my passport. I am innocent. 'Silence! We have foreigners and riff-raff more than enough. We have got to get rid of them, was the general's reply.

I would rather have it, coming as it does from an Indian, and that Indian such a man as the chief, I would rather have it, as a pledge of watchfulness over your interests in the settlement, whether you are present there or absent, than a white man's bond for a hundred dollars; and I would also rather have it, as a token of faith, given when you are roaming this northern wilderness, than a passport from the king of England.

His friends used their interest to procure a passport for him, and the Prince of Conti offered him an apartment in the privileged quarter of the Temple, on his way through Paris. It was a step that led him into many fatal vexations, as we shall presently see. Meanwhile we may pause to examine the two considerable books which had involved his life in all this confusion and perplexity.

I have read the following statement in a publication: "M. Hue retired to Hamburg, where he passed nine, months in perfect obscurity. He afterwards went to Holland, provided with a passport from Bourrienne, who was Napoleon's Minister, though in disgrace, and who, foreseeing what was to happen, sought to ingratiate himself in the favour of the Bourbons."

With the help of half a dozen men who were finishing their wine at the inn, he barricaded the bridge. There the king's passport betrayed him, for it was made out for Frankfort, and Varennes was not on the road to Frankfort.

As I stood attentively regarding the officer's face, I could see his puzzled look change into one of comprehension, and then of amusement. To her inquiry he replied that there would be no objection under the circumstances to my returning to Geneva and procuring my passport.

A light tap at the door interrupted the count, and startled him inexplicably. "What does that mean?" he asked, turning pale. Marietta laughed aloud. "That means," she said, slowly and scornfully, "that you will not go to Magdeburg to-morrow that you cannot make use of the passport which your beloved Madame du Trouffle obtained for you.